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Re: part 2951, some questions
Wed, 5 Jan 2000 23:14:56 GMT
1091 times
In, Fredrik Glöckner writes:
user is fairly likeliy to tilt the bucket off an axle in either the
upper or the lower pegholes, so centering the part in the centre of
either the upper or lower pegholes make sense to me.  That way, the part
I will centre between the lower pegholes then.

I'd say it makes sense to not model these holes in the 2951 as well.

As soon as I get it done, I'll put the measurements up on my homepage
(I'll get back when it is done, probably a few days) for you to
review, as some of the measurements where taken in a rather hmm
creative way:)

correction: I will not put the measurements up, as they are changing as I get
along. Look below for more on this.

Great!  I wish you good luck on this part.  It's a tough one.
As of now, it looks like the worst part is figuring out how to attack it:) And
I think I've hit some good ore:)

I have come up with a new strategy for creating the part 2951, I'm working on,
which goes as:

Looking at the measurements i'd made i decided that the radius for the rounded
(outside) part had to be 40 LDU (LDraw Units) = 10 LU (Lego Units) = 16 mm and
the thickness 4 LDU

By attaching a 1X16 technic beam to two of the pegholes on the part, I was
able to get the angles of the two flat surfaces.

Now given the diameter and the angles and the assumption that whereever
possible the measurements are in whole LU's i was able to fairly quickly get
the rest of the measures for the flat parts.

Be carefull not to confuse LDU's fo LU's :) I had to do some recalculating at
times :)

The benefits of doing it this way, is that you don't have to fiddle to get the
rounded and the flat parts to meet.

This is status as of right now:

1 16  40 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 peghole.dat
1 16 -40 0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 peghole.dat
1 16  30 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 4-4cyli.dat
1 16 -30 0 0 0 -8 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 4-4cyli.dat
1 16  40 -40 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 peghole.dat
1 16 -40 -40 0 0 1  0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 peghole.dat
1 16  30 -40 0 0 8 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 4-4cyli.dat
1 16 -30 -40 0 0 -8 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 4-4cyli.dat

0 outer back flat surface
4 16 96 -41.68 -20.41 -96 -41.68 -20.41 -96 -56.72 -25.88 96 -56.72 -25.88
4 16 -100 -56.72 -25.88 100 -56.72 -25.88 100 -68 -29.98 -100 -68 -29.98
4 16 100 -68 -29.98 -100 -68 -29.98 90 -79.28 -34.08 -90 -79.28 -34.08

0 inner back flat surface
4 2 92 -40.31 -24.17 -92 -40.31 -24.17 -92 -55.35 -29.64 92 -55.35 -29.64
4 2 -96 -55.35 -29.64 96 -55.35 -29.64 96 -66.63 -33.74 -96 -66.63 -33.74
4 2 100 -66.63 -33.74 -100 -66.63 -33.74 90 -77.91 -37.84 -90 -77.91 -37.84

0 outer front flat surface
4 16 96 5.92 -79.2 -96 5.92 -79.2 -96 -4.68 -96.16 96 -4.68 -96.16
4 16 -100 -4.68 -96.16 100 -4.68 -96.16 100 -25.87 -130.08 -100 -25.87 -130.08

0 inner front flat surface
4 2 92 2.53 -77.08 -92 2.53 -77.08 -92 -10.19 -97.43 92 -10.19 -97.43
4 2 -96 -10.19 -97.43 96 -10.19 -97.43 96 -29.27 -127.96 -96 -29.27 -127.96

0 outer rounded surface
1 16 96 -28 -58 0 -192 0 -13.68 0 37.59 37.59 0 13.68 1-4cyli.dat
1 16 96 -28 -58 0 -192 0 21.20 0 33.92 33.92 0 -21.20 1-4cyli.dat

0 inner rounded surface
1 2 92 -28 -58 0 -184 0 -12.31 0 33.83 33.83 0 12.31 1-4cyli.dat
1 2 92 -28 -58 0 -184 0 19.08 0 30.53 30.53 0 -19.08 1-4cyli.dat


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: part 2951, some questions
(...) I'd say that's a good place to put the origin. On the other hand, the user is fairly likeliy to tilt the bucket off an axle in either the upper or the lower pegholes, so centering the part in the centre of either the upper or lower pegholes (...) (25 years ago, 4-Jan-00, to

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