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Re: part 2951, some questions
Tue, 4 Jan 2000 19:18:25 GMT
762 times
"John Jensen" <> writes:

What is the preferred place for 0,0,0? I'd say exactly between the
pegholes, but this is, as you know, my first piece, so enlighten me
if I'm way off.

I'd say that's a good place to put the origin.  On the other hand, the
user is fairly likeliy to tilt the bucket off an axle in either the
upper or the lower pegholes, so centering the part in the centre of
either the upper or lower pegholes make sense to me.  That way, the part
will be a bit more simple to use for most people.  But it's not a big
deal.  (I centered my sketch of the 2951 the centre of one pair of the
peg holes, but I don't remember if it was the upper or lower.)

This is consistent with the 3x1x0.5 Technic Liftarm (6632.DAT), which is
centered in one of the cross axle holes, _not_ in the centre.

Beneath every tooth, there is a tiny hole, there is no possible way
that this hole will ever be used for anything. How important is this

These holes are probably there to make the mold better.  If you examine
many kinds of LEGO bricks, you'll notice that if something sticks out on
one side of a part, there is usually a hole on the other side.  Take the
plates as an example: behind the studs there are cylindrical holes to
avoid large chunks of ABS in one place.  I assume the holes on the other
side make the construction more rigid.

Now, shall these holes be modeled?  Lets take the plates as an example
again.  The holes in back of the plates are _not_ modeled in LDraw, so
I'd say it makes sense to not model these holes in the 2951 as well.

As soon as I get it done, I'll put the measurements up on my homepage
(I'll get back when it is done, probably a few days) for you to
review, as some of the measurements where taken in a rather hmm
creative way:)

Great!  I wish you good luck on this part.  It's a tough one.

Measuring the vertices of this part is really a challenge.  As soon as
you have some data to work with, I'd say you should build some kind of
contruction with your real life 2951 part.  Something where the 2951 is
fixed onto some bricks and where some bricks are close to the bucket.
Building the same thing in LDraw allows you to check if the real life
bucket meets the bricks in the same way as the one you modeled.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: part 2951, some questions  [DAT]
(...) I will centre between the lower pegholes then. (...) Goood:) (...) correction: I will not put the measurements up, as they are changing as I get along. Look below for more on this. (...) As of now, it looks like the worst part is figuring out (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jan-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  part 2951, some questions
I've managed to measure the 2951, and now I have a few questions. What is the preferred place for 0,0,0? I'd say exactly between the pegholes, but this is, as you know, my first piece, so enlighten me if I'm way off. Beneath every tooth, there is a (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jan-00, to

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