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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / Primitives / 80
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Re: Possible replacement for 1-8sphe.dat
Sat, 23 Sep 2000 22:40:33 GMT
1521 times
In, Travis Cobbs writes:
The even distribution of points means that the polygons involved stay closer
to the surface of an actual sphere at the point on them which is furthest
away from this surface (the center of the triangles/quads).  Whether or not
this produces a more aesthetically pleasing result is a matter of opinion.
I can agree with you that the difference either way is not very great,
although I do personally prefer my tesselation. • [snip]
I think the actual speed will be very
dependent on the renderer.  Some renders render quads as two separate
triangles, which would make the current sphere have 22 triangles, which is
an even worse result.  On the other hand a flat quad should only have a
single surface normal, while two triangles should have 2 distinct surface
normals, so that enters into things as well.

I also believe that rendering speed isn't a big issue here. I was more curious
why you believed that your tesselation was better.I happen to like the currend
tesselation because I very quickly understood how to reproduce its mathematic
structure, when I was recalculating the coordinates.

So, in short, while I personally favor the tesselation I produced (no huge
surprise there), I don't have a strong opinion about it.

Me neither. It's not my itention to campain against your proposal, in the end
I migth even withdraw my submission in favour of yours. What we have to do now
is to make a visual comparison of both types of tesselation, for instance with
a combination of the cylinder and sphere primitives, and see which one has the
best looks in all render programs that don't substitute the primitive.

Greetings, M. Moolhuysen.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Possible replacement for 1-8sphe.dat
"Manfred Moolhuysen" <> wrote in message (...) on (...) opinion, (...) number (...) The even distribution of points means that the polygons involved stay closer to the surface of an actual sphere at (...) (24 years ago, 22-Sep-00, to

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