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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 4623
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Re: 2867.dat Curved 9V Track - reddy
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 17:23:17 GMT
1799 times
In, Steve Bliss writes:
In, Ludo Soete writes:


Very nice!  Good work on this. :)

However (I always seem to have a 'however' ;), I'm not sure about your
choice of the zero-point and the orientation of the part.  The point you
chose was very logical, but it might not be practical.  In relation to
'normal' stud-based positioning of parts, your centerpoint is at an
non-integer location.  When using the part, people will have to:
   add the part to their model
   set their center of rotation
   move the part in the +Z one radius of the track-circle (I don't remember
the turning radius of lego track off the top of my head, sorry)
   Rotate the part 11.25 degrees

Once they've done this, the edge of the track will be aligned with the studs
in the rest of their model.  Then they place the track where it needs to go.

I think (this is IMO, not hard facts) that it would be better to position
the part so that one end of the track was aligned along an axis.

Let me know what you think -- I'm a little tired right now, my analysis may
be incomplete.


Hi Steve,

I just made a quarter curved track using the new 2867.dat file. It works
pretty good as it is now. I placed first a straight track, then added a
curved one. After only a few moves, the curved track was positioned where it
should be. I didn't set my center of rotation, i rotated the curved track
along the Y- axis. The first track at a rotation angle of 11.25 degrees, the
following with increments og 22.5 degrees. So i think that i can leave the
rotation point where it's now, at the center of the fixation hole in the
center sleeper.

A possible help could be the idea from Tore Ericksson see :

or a plug-in for MLCAD, as there's one for LLDesignPad, created by Niels
Karsdorp see:

Any comments are welcome,


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 2867.dat Curved 9V Track - reddy
(...) 9V curve part. I just did a quick test using the mpd posted by Ludo and added the filename to PluginTrackParts.ini for the curve in the 9V section and the parts were placed as I expected. Now I don't have to make an update to my plug-in, any (...) (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 2867.dat Curved 9V Track - reddy
(...) Very nice! Good work on this. :) However (I always seem to have a 'however' ;), I'm not sure about your choice of the zero-point and the orientation of the part. The point you chose was very logical, but it might not be practical. In relation (...) (22 years ago, 19-Apr-03, to

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