Re: Darth Maul minifig head - hints and tips?
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 17:16:33 GMT
924 times
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"Franklin W. Cain" <> wrote in message
> ACK! That's gonna be a toughie! Good luck.
> One of my little "secrets" is that I often "draw"
> the face in a two-dimensional image (i.e., Z = -13
> for all points on this preliminary image),
> and then check the "Front View" box in MLCAD
> to make sure the image looks OK.
> Then, using my mathematics knowledge,
> I calculate the actual Z-axis components
> for all the points (there is a directly proportional
> relationships between the X-component and the Z-component,
> that is independent of the Y-component within the range
> of Y = 4 and Y = 17 for the minifig head).
This is sort of what I'm doing, although I have a little VB app to calc the
Z co-ord for me as I enter each triangle/quad. It only works for the
vertical faces of the head at the moment but I'm going to add a few extra
lines to get the planes making up the upper and lower curves added so i can
everything spot on. I'll post how far I've got in a few minutes once I've
mirrored the half I've almost completed so I can get some criticism on it.
If all goes well and I get this finished I might even have a crack at Vader
and the Emperor :)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Darth Maul minifig head - hints and tips?
| ACK! That's gonna be a toughie! Good luck. One of my little "secrets" is that I often "draw" the face in a two-dimensional image (i.e., Z = -13 for all points on this preliminary image), and then check the "Front View" box in MLCAD to make sure the (...) (24 years ago, 21-Nov-00, to
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