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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 178
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Re: Stickers (Was: x740 Minifig Vest)
Sat, 3 Jul 1999 08:21:55 GMT
1277 times
On Fri, 2 Jul 1999 14:45:03 GMT, "John VanZwieten"
<> wrote:

Terry K <> wrote in message
On Thu, 1 Jul 1999 15:32:57 GMT, Tore Eriksson
<> wrote:

Jeff Stembel wrote:

In, Tore Eriksson writes:
In December, I made a minifig vest. I can't see it in LDraw. Didn't I
submit it, or was it turned down?


Do you mean part 3840?  Hmmm..  Must be, it has your name, and was in • update
99-01.  :)


Yes, thanks Jeff!

I didn't know it has been renumbered. Well, then the question arises again: • how
do we treat [parts with] stickers?
I suggest like this:

0 Minifig Vest with Danger Stripes Stickers
0 Name: 3840p01.dat
0 Author: Tore Eriksson 1999
0 Unofficial Part

Stickers are a problem.
The current stance is to not accept parts with stickers.  Preprinted parts
only. This is because there are an infinite number of ways a sticker could • be
applied to a piece.
In the future, it would be nice to have stickers as separate files, which • the
user could place on any piece.  But right now, that doesn't work too well, • as
the appearance of the sticker is poor.
So for now, just plain and printed pieces.

-- Terry K --

I think we should allow stickers.  Granted they won't look spectacular in
LDraw or LDLite right now, but they should still come out great in POV-Ray,
which is what we generally use when we want beautiful output anyway.

The stickers should be offered just like any part, with a thickness equal to
the actual thickness of the sticker.

Even in LDraw, if the stickers look poor, at least they demonstrate where a
stickered part should go.

-John Van

If we can figure out a standard for constructing, formatting, and naming them,
no problem.   As you said, the real value would be in high-quality renderings.
I would just like to re-iterate that stickers *pre-applied* to pieces is a
no-no.  But as separate files, positionable by the user, cool.

-- Terry K --

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Stickers
the way i name my "stickers" are simply 0 ~Sticker:Maersk Logo thats an example.of coarse there are litterally millions of stickers, official and unofficial custom. now the "~" is ment for subparts. and if you think bout it, stickers can be (...) (26 years ago, 3-Jul-99, to
  Re: Stickers
the way i name my "stickers" are simply 0 ~Sticker:Maersk Logo thats an example.of coarse there are litterally millions of stickers, official and unofficial custom. now the "~" is ment for subparts. and if you think bout it, stickers can be (...) (26 years ago, 3-Jul-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Stickers (Was: x740 Minifig Vest)
Terry K <> wrote in message (...) update (...) how (...) be (...) the (...) as (...) I think we should allow stickers. Granted they won't look spectacular in LDraw or LDLite right now, but (...) (26 years ago, 2-Jul-99, to,

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