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 CAD / LDraw Files / Models / 1664
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Re: LDraw FilTEr
Newsgroups:, lugnet.cad.dat.models
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 11:55:52 GMT
252 times
Currently I am _trying_ to make a microfig or nanofig model the
"Defiant" from Star Trek Deep Space 9. I do it in MLCad, not for real. I
started with the bridge and started building somewhere in the middle.
Then I put parts on top and under the base, but all mixed up. So a
filter that can sort out all the same y coordinates could generate
separate steps would be very nice. Then you can clearly see if all parts
fit, while stepping through every "layer" of plates and bricks, building

I am also making an attempt at Deep Space Nine, the station that is. All
in some "nanofig" scale...
The difficulty is the 30 and 60 degree angles and round shape of the

To the model group: has anyone ever tried to do a "Defiant" or "DS9". I
am planning to do a Runabout too, since I have already made an
Enterprise NCC-1701-D. Just recently I saw a nice Klingon ship in LEGO
somewhere and being a fan of Star Trek and LEGO I thought of building
some things from ST.



I get "Cannot open file C:\LDRAW\boxes.lst" when I start it.

Yes, that's right. I forgot to remove the code that referred to box replacements.

Then it
runs but the only thing I can seem to do is selecting and unselecting

It's about as far as I've reached. You can change color of the objects in all selected lines and save by overwriting the
input file.

Is it possible to filter all parts out that share the same y coordinate?

Yes, just choose the same value of Y Min as Y Max.
With Add - Invert - Delete - Save you have it saved in a file.
This procedure will be much simplier when I've made the Output Files areas.

I wanted some input to see if this concept is worth the hours of coding and the extra work it takes to make it
understandable for more people than me.

Btw, I forgot to mention the purpose of this utility.

First, it is to split [Datsville] files with, say a building, some vehicles, plants into more categorized files or just
into smaller. (Yes, I know I have just bundled some together, but hey, don't I have the right to regret some things I've

The other is to repaint cars, houses, or even patterned parts. Many times to color 16, so that a hard-coded say green
car could be repainted in any color.

Maybe I'll put back box replacements, but as I feel now, it's better to have a seaprate program for that purpose.

Thanks for your feedback,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDraw FilTEr
(...) Yes, that's right. I forgot to remove the code that referred to box replacements. (...) It's about as far as I've reached. You can change color of the objects in all selected lines and save by overwriting the input file. (...) Yes, just (...) (23 years ago, 23-Aug-01, to

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