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 CAD / 9937
    Re: More information on LEGO Digital Designer and other things Jake McKee
   (...) Must be late in the day... I didn't follow what you are asking. Can you point me to the info you are referring to, or perhaps rephrase your question? Thanks! Jake --- Jake McKee Community Development Manager - B.I. Portal (URL) (22 years ago, 4-May-03, to lugnet.cad,
        Re: More information on LEGO Digital Designer and other things —Matthew Miller
   (...) Sure. This message: (URL). Todd says: OK, sounds like, at least initially, the SDK source would only go to a few people for the express purpose of porting the SDK to other platforms. If it's the case that LEGO doesn't want the whole world to (...) (22 years ago, 5-May-03, to lugnet.cad,
        Re: More information on LEGO Digital Designer and other things Jake McKee
   (...) Well, to me the point is to get out to as many people as possible. However, as I have stated a number of times, we are still early in the process and have a great many questions to answer. There are legal and business issues like you wouldn't (...) (22 years ago, 5-May-03, to lugnet.cad,
        Re: More information on LEGO Digital Designer and other things —Matthew Miller
     (...) Actually, I *can* imagine. I work at a large institution and have to deal with this sort of thing all the time. :) But I'm hopeful, as many companies have gone through those legal and business issues before and come out on the right side. (...) (22 years ago, 5-May-03, to lugnet.cad,
        Perl —Lester Witter
   (...) In the discusion about LTX, Perl has been mentioned. How would you envsion using Perl in the LEGO CAD (or other LEGO) environment? I have been using Perl for serveral years at work (doing image processing) and might do some hobby programming. (...) (22 years ago, 3-Jun-03, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: Perl —Kevin L. Clague
   (...) The LDraw file format is text based and human redable, so it would be a snap to apply perl to it. My program LPub started out as a perl script that broke the DAT files down into step dats, ran them through L3P and then post processed the (...) (22 years ago, 3-Jun-03, to lugnet.cad)

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