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Lani source code released with no guarantees. Was: Unmatrix
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 17:58:24 GMT
586 times
OK, I am finally releasing the source code for my Lani application.  I doubt
I will finish it before Roland releases animation application.

It is Java.  Source code included.  No compiled apps are included.  If you
want to try it you will need a java compiler.

There is a rotation function within the file.  I believe it
requires various variables of the object, so you probably can't just copy it

I do not even know if it latest version works.  Because of this I included
the source to my old project that I am pretty sure works.  I have made a lot
of changes between versions, and I am pretty sure that I got the newer
version to at least run, but I don't know that it will do what it is suppose
to, which is rotate and move models.  Anyway, I know I did not get it to do
what I wanted which was to rotate a series of connect models with one
command.  I also was having a hard time deciding on the syntax.  I wanted to
choose something that had the most flexibility and power, yet be easy to
hand code (that is why I want to be first to release something that would
catch on--I wanted to set a standard for animation syntax).

Follow this link:



James Reynolds

In lugnet.cad, Steve Bliss writes:
In lugnet.cad, Trond Hasse Lie wrote:



I need (don't ask why) to pick the scale/rotation matrix from a dat/ldr-file
into it's XYZ-Rotation/scale values.
i.e. I need to get:
Scaling/Rotation in the X-axis
Scaling/Rotation in the Y-Axis
Scaling/Rotation in the Z-axis

I've seen a little program at Graphicgems that does this, however it's a C
program and I really don't understand much of what
the code says.

Does anyone have some psuedocode on how to do this?

I don't have any pseudocode, but I would like to see the program that
does this.  If you give me a link to the program, I'd be willing to
interpret it for you.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Unmatrix
(...) Hi! (...) I don't have any pseudocode, but I would like to see the program that does this. If you give me a link to the program, I'd be willing to interpret it for you. Steve (23 years ago, 9-Apr-02, to lugnet.cad)

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