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Re: animation help
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 22:29:46 GMT
800 times
Gary, thanks that worked and it's the most simplistic method of creating
high quality renderings of each step. I noticed pov-ray ingnores mlcad
rotation steps. Does it also ingnor buffer exchahges? Is there an easy way
around this. Thanks Chris
In lugnet.cad, Gary E. Blessing writes:
count how many steps you have and put +KI1 +KF"finnal step number here" +KFI
+KFF"finnal step number here"  in the comand line(Render:Edit
Settings/Render , and if there are any coments at the begining of the dat
remove them or you'll get a frame for each one.

Hope that helps.


Chris Daniel <> wrote in message
How do I get pov to render each #if (clock > ) statements it curently only
does the first step thanks in advance.
I use mlcad,l3pao with -sc option, and pov-ray3.1 for windows
P.S. I thought a animation howto was comeing to

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: animation help
I didn't know it ignored the rotation steps (haven't had a model with them in it) and I don't know what a buffer exchange is Gary Chris Daniel <> wrote in message (...) +KFI (...) only (...) (23 years ago, 19-Dec-01, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: animation help
Hello, count how many steps you have and put +KI1 +KF"finnal step number here" +KFI 1 +KFF"finnal step number here" in the comand line(Render:Edit Settings/Render , and if there are any coments at the begining of the dat remove them or you'll get a (...) (23 years ago, 18-Dec-01, to lugnet.cad)

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