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Re: Steps and individual .pov files?
Sat, 18 Aug 2001 03:15:56 GMT
529 times
I used one POV file for most of the images at  In the POV file, I
just commented out the steps/pieces that I did not want to render.

Good point. Pretty simple.

could probably use the POV clock vaiable (used when creating animations) and
some #if...#else...#end directives to automate rendering.

Um...ok. Sounds like a good idea...but never really done anything like that.
I will see if I can get it to work.

I have found that the rendered instructions that I have done are harder to
use than the standard "drawn" output.  The look better, but it is hard to
see the individual bricks because they do not have lines around them.  To
compensate, I have incresed the space between the bricks.

You know, I never even thought about that. I'm sure that they would be a
little harder. So then the question is: Does this mean that the instructions
should be created differently? Or should the instructions output method do
different things in programs like MLCAD? Or should we just stick to what
works? Or...oh never mind!

I will be following this thread to see what people come up with.  Good luck.

Yeah, it is an interesting issue! I hope someone can come up with a genius idea!


Jake McKee
LUGNET Member #211

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Steps and individual .pov files?
Jake, I used one POV file for most of the images at (URL) In the POV file, I just commented out the steps/pieces that I did not want to render. You could probably use the POV clock vaiable (used when creating animations) and some #if...#else...#end (...) (24 years ago, 17-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad)

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