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Re: My VB DAT viewer and matrix handling
Tue, 10 Apr 2001 17:43:48 GMT
736 times
Daniel Crichton wrote:
... etc ...
and then I'm combining the matrices as

a' = a*A
b' = b*D
c' = c*G
d' = d*B
e' = e*E
f' = f*H
g' = g*C
h' = h*F
i' = i*I

Well, the Problem is that Combining Matrixes, is in fact a multiply
betwwen the matrices, and what you are doing, it certainly isn't matrix

Go get your algebra book or surf the Web and Find out how to do Matrix

I'm Sorry but I Can't explain it easilly without probably making a
mistake along the way.

Try this <A href="">Matrix
And Quaternions FAQ</A>.

See ya

Rui Martins

Message is in Reply To:
  My VB DAT viewer and matrix handling
I'm having some trouble working out the matrix handling for parts in a DAT file given the parent DAT matrix. What I'm doing is the following: let's say in a DAT I have: 1 0 X Y Z A B C D E F G H I parent.dat and in parent.dat I have 1 0 x y z a b c (...) (24 years ago, 10-Apr-01, to lugnet.cad)

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