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Re: *** The best LEGO CAD software ? ***
Sun, 19 Nov 2000 16:44:39 GMT
831 times
norbert grellneth skrev i meddelandet ...

I'm new on Lugnet so please be patient with me if this was yet mentioned.
Can somebody tell me what's the best CAD software to create LEGO models on
computer ?

All of them :-))

I mean which CAD is most easy to control,


has most parts etc. ?

LDRAW - by James Jessiman is _the_ program which sets the
standard. This has a very large assortment of pieces. It's a bit tedious to
create models though. DOS, keyboard.

MLCAD - by Michael Lachmann uses the
LDRAW parts, so it has the same possibilities. Windows, mouse. Import, export
LDRAW format.

LEOCAD - by Leonardo Zide. Can use the LDRAW pieces,
plus has more of it's own. Windows, mouse. Import, export(?) LDRAW format.

All three can use the same pieces (originating from LDRAW, actively updated by
many people all around the world), and can be used to build almost any Lego
model. MLCAD is the easiest to use, but on large models, it tends to be rather
slow. I have very limitid experience with LEOCAD, so I can't say much about

For simpler (non-Technic) modelling there's my own:
BlockCAD -

Not so many pieces (no Technic), studs up, 90 degree rotations only, but
*fast* and *easy*, and the model can be exported in LDRAW format so you can do
the last touch-up in any of the other programs. Quite usable for buildings and
the like (Check the Gallery if you don't believe me).

Happy building,
Anders Isaksson, Sweden

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: *** The best LEGO CAD software ? ***
(...) Once amazing, at least since it was the first in its area, but certainly out of date now. Not easy to use at all, not WYSIWYG, no mouse support, etc., etc. (...) Not much experience with it. But I know from the discussions here that it lacks (...) (24 years ago, 20-Nov-00, to lugnet.cad,
  Re: *** The best LEGO CAD software ? ***
(...) If you have a 386 with MSDOS and 40 Mb free HD, I'd say SimLego! :o) -- Tore Eriksson Sweden ICQ: 76066510 LEGO: MOC++++ FS,SP,TO++ TC+ LS YB@m (24 years ago, 20-Nov-00, to lugnet.cad,
  Re: *** The best LEGO CAD software ? ***
Anders Isaksson <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag: <SNIP> (...) HE HE HE HEEEE .... Not much longer .... :-) I found a fantastic way to make it faster ... realy ... first test showed up the drawing (...) (24 years ago, 21-Nov-00, to lugnet.cad,

Message is in Reply To:
  *** The best LEGO CAD software ? ***
Hi all! I'm new on Lugnet so please be patient with me if this was yet mentioned. Can somebody tell me what's the best CAD software to create LEGO models on computer ? I mean which CAD is most easy to control, has most parts etc. ? Thank you all for (...) (24 years ago, 19-Nov-00, to lugnet.cad,

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