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Re: 3D geometry question
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 08:48:52 GMT
1008 times
Thanks for all the help and suggestions.  However, I found an alternate
way of doing this last night.

The columns in M are simply the axis spanning the rotated coordinate
system, right?  So we can use v as the 2nd axis to get the v vector
pointing upwards in the new coordinate system.  Then we need two more
axis, whose orientation does not matter too much as long as they're
orthogonal to v.  Two such axis can easily be found by using the cross

So findind the new matrix M simply amounts to finding two cross
products!  And normalizing the vectors, if needed, obviously.  Too bad I
spent so much time working on this problem to find the solution, though.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 3D geometry question
Fredrik: (...) [ ... ] Nice solution. :) I should have thought of it. :( Play well, Jacob ---...--- -- E-mail: -- -- Web...: <URL:(URL) -- ---...--- (25 years ago, 26-Oct-99, to lugnet.cad)

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  Re: 3D geometry question
Sorry, I just found out that I solved for (0,0,-1), not (0,-1,0), but that's just a symmetry change :-)) -- Anders Isaksson, Sweden BlockCAD: (2 URLs) (25 years ago, 13-Oct-99, to lugnet.cad)

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