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Re: 3D geometry question
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:08:54 GMT
658 times
"Jacob Sparre Andersen" <> writes:

Fredrik Glöckner:

Say I have a vector v with length normalized to 1.  For
simplicity, picture this vector as starting in the origin.

Vectors don't start anywhere. A vector is just a direction
and a length.

Sure.  But to picture the vector as starting in the origin makes it
easier to understand what I want in the paragraph below:

o If I rotate a part with one edge going from (0,0,0) to
  (0,-1,0) (i.e., pointing upwards), this edge should
  coincide with the vector v after the transformation

There are infinitely many solutions to the problem. When you
have one solution, any rotation around v is also a solution.

In fact, for my application, any of these solutions would suffice.

We have to solve

  v = M e

with respect to M, with the additional constraint

  det(M) = 1

Hmmm? 9 variables and 4 equations. - That can't be sufficient
constraints to ensure M is a rotation matrix.

I think we also need some constraints on M to ensure that there is no

  m11² + m12² + m13² = 1
  m21² + m22² + m23² = 1
  m31² + m32² + m33² = 1

But do the rows also need to be normalized, i.e, like this?

  m11² + m21² + m31² = 1
  m12² + m22² + m32² = 1
  m13² + m23² + m33² = 1

Lets try something else...

Any direction in three-dimensional space can be constructed
by one rotation around the x axis followed one rotation
around the y axis:

Thank you for your suggestion, but I'm not too happy with this solution,
as I think there is a simpler solution along your original suggestion.
I'm familiar with the approach of rotation around the x and y axis, but
I was hoping that someone here has experience with a simpler solution.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 3D geometry question
Fredrik Glöckner: (...) Vectors don't start anywhere. A vector is just a direction and a length. (...) Lets call the vector along the edge e. (...) There are infinitely many solutions to the problem. When you have one solution, any rotation around v (...) (25 years ago, 13-Oct-99, to lugnet.cad)

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