| | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Heh, don't apologize - it's great to hear from LUGNET users why they like this place! My view is about 100% opposite from yours ;) Yes, you need a flickr account, but you need to join here too, which we agree is painful. When you joined (...) (15 years ago, 16-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Yeah, you're probably right. :) I don't even notice that I enter "to" here in the Name and E-mail fields (the rest of my name and e-mail is auto-filled by IE) and check that "I have carefully read... blah, blah" checkbox; that has become a (...) (15 years ago, 16-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) The bottom line is that LUGNET needs to change how it handles users. At a minimum the authentication emails have got to go. I'm a member and I use the web interface so I can just log in and skip most of the annoying things (e.g. entering (...) (15 years ago, 16-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Timely info! I'm in the middle of filling out LUGNET's (absurdly long) Member sign-up page, hoping to streamline posting... but that's useless & dead? I was going to suggest LUGNET make memberships free, push the donation requests more, change (...) (15 years ago, 16-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) I'm reading LUGNET through a newsreader - Outlook Express - which is the same as my email program. I donwload all new posts in a batch (much, much, MUCH, faster than loading web pages) and then I can read the posts at my leisure, I don't even (...) (15 years ago, 16-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) I am very tempted to change the subject line of this branch of the discussion tree into "The future of LUGNET?". I know, it was mostly my "fault" the this thread changed subjects. But to me, it's the strength of the tree structure. Then anyone (...) (15 years ago, 16-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Lego City Police Car - 7236
Hi again! I've done some more Lego modelling! This time I'm playing with the Lego City Police Car. I've created some renders using POV-Ray and I've put the LDR/MLCAD files and various other 3D formats of the model on my website. See the following (...) (15 years ago, 16-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) I'd see LDraw getting a forum system with most aspects of the bulletin board system like user accounts instead of emails *but* having a threaded layout like here on LUGNET. I myself do not know anybody who uses LDraw or even LEGO for that (...) (15 years ago, 16-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Lego City Police Car - 7236
(...) There is no single list, but there are some links here: (URL) Eric Albrecht's Technicopedia has Ldraw files for many Technic sets: (URL) (15 years ago, 17-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Lego City Police Car - 7236
(...) Maybe you are just looking for mpd files for official files? Then please try (URL) There are more than 900 mpd files for download from official sets. I did not remember how good they are (maybe missing parts at the time I build). cu mikeheide (15 years ago, 18-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) <much goodness of newsreaders deleted to save space> While true, most newer Internet users don't have a clue what a Newsreader is. That's because Newsreaders are mostly used by Usenet users and Usenet (at least the groups I read) is dying. In (...) (15 years ago, 18-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad, FTX)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) You must have done something to make it that hard for you to use Lugnet. I just click "Reply", write my response, click "Preview" and "Post". Everything else is already filled out. Play well, Jacob (15 years ago, 19-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Hmmm, did you click "Reply" so quickly that you missed the very next sentence in the previous post where it said, "I think you've just been here too long"? Like many of us, you've been here forever. So perhaps you don't realize that it's (...) (15 years ago, 19-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
--snip-- (...) I must admit that I hadn't realised it was so hard to post now. That, IMO, means we need somewhere new to discuss LDraw. If new people can't easily post in discussions then we are killing fresh discussion and that is a very bad move. (...) (15 years ago, 19-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Or perhaps LUGNET just needs some changes... identify the problem areas and fix them. (15 years ago, 20-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Holy moley! Do you still exist?!? (15 years ago, 20-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Rumors of my disassembly have been greatly exaggerated. (15 years ago, 20-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.fun)
 | | (Re)activating Lugnet? (Was: The future of LDraw?)
(...) I must admit that I didn't know that it isn't possible to get a membership on Lugnet anymore. That's not good. (...) Luckily I keep plenty of backups - also of mission-critical cookies. (...) Yes. What will it take to allow people to get (...) (15 years ago, 20-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.admin.general)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Welcome back. My issue with that is that it's out of the hands of LDraw. It's hard to expect the people responsible for LUGNET to make big changes when it's pretty much just one small section that is active. Tim (15 years ago, 20-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Nod. But if the people responsible for LUGNET don't want it to gradually fade away and become even less relevant, changes are needed. Without them, other sections won't return either. I note that there's a facebook discussion group started on (...) (15 years ago, 21-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Lugnet would need to be simpler... It can't compete with modern social networks and user friendly picture-hosting websites. Basically, that would imply A LOT of work while keeping everything free... (15 years ago, 24-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
Wow. It's been a while since a thread here broke the 100 dot limit I think... ROSCO (15 years ago, 25-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) gotta confess to some lurking, here. i'm a frequent user of ldraw and visitor to lugnet. i'm very interested to see where this discussion goes and VERY curious to know what sites are taking the place of lugnet (i 'get' the sites that have all (...) (15 years ago, 25-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) To my knowledge, this is really the only place to discuss LDraw in a manner other than 'check out my MOC in LDraw'. All, or nearly all of the developers (and hopefully future developers) are here. LUGNET also contains the searchable history of (...) (15 years ago, 26-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
--snip-- (...) The Flickr group gets a bit active when I cross-post discussion threads from here to it. There are people that don't use LUGNET but do use Flickr that do like to talk about LDraw. However LUGNET is definitely the central place for it. (...) (15 years ago, 26-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: The future of LDraw?
(...) Hello Lary. I still visit (URL) and (URL) from time to time. If you talk about "gradually fade away"... :-) Though I would still love to get my hands on a few of your "comming soon" set ideas if it happens to happen someday. Fortunately, I (...) (15 years ago, 27-Mar-10, to lugnet.fun)