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    Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Jetro de Chateau
   (...) Sorry for the omission. I'm using LPub and LDView 4.0.1 on Windows XP Pro SP3 (16 years ago, 11-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Michael Heidemann
     (...) As I do not have LPub I can not give good comments. Is LDView 4.0.1 (7.Feb.2009) ? (only to be sure to compare the right things.) cu mikeheide (16 years ago, 11-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
         Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Jetro de Chateau
     (...) Full version information of LDView was 4.0 beta 1 (1 Dec. 2008) I have now updated to LDView 4.0.1 (7.Feb.2009) but the colouring problem persists. (16 years ago, 11-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
         Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Michael Heidemann
     (...) Sounds not good. At present I have no idea what the problem could cause. But LDView should not be the problem as you can see the parts correctly there. So it has to be the connection between both. Did you try in LPub - "Clear assembly image (...) (16 years ago, 11-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
         Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Jetro de Chateau
     (...) I hadn't. I have now tried "Clear assembly image cache" and there is no change. I'm having problems installing LPub Jetro (16 years ago, 11-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Kevin L. Clague
   (...) Well I guess people should understand that LPub is a moving target. It is not meant for general consumption, but people can take a peek at: It is still changing (bug fixes) on a regular basis. Caveat (...) (16 years ago, 11-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Jaco van der Molen
   (...) Kevin, Thanks for sharing this anyway :-) I like the new features you added (add pages, cover, images). Do you have a list of new features or changes? FYI: I've noticed there are some differences in rendering. See: (2 URLs) (16 years ago, 12-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Kevin L. Clague
     (...) One of the new features is affecting your swan. When you place callouts, PLIs, etc, relative to the CSI, LPub figures out the bounding box of the collection, and then automatically centers the bounding box on the page. You did this manually, (...) (16 years ago, 13-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
         Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Kevin L. Clague
      (...) Oh, LPub also figures out the bounding box for things placed relative to step-groups and centers them. I also fixed problems with PLIs for step groups that do not have PLI per step. Kevin (16 years ago, 13-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
         Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Kevin L. Clague
     (...) <snip> (...) 14. In classic buffer exchange store, add parts, step, buffer exchange load, you no longer need to GHOST the parts added between the store and step. LPub applies buffer exchanges to the LDraw files before being handed to the (...) (16 years ago, 13-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
         Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Kevin L. Clague
     (...) <snip> 15. Allow PLI and callouts placed to the left of the CSI to share the column width in step-groups and callouts. For example: (URL) (16 years ago, 13-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Kevin L. Clague
   (...) Hi Jaco, The right wing is being rendered weirdly because LPub thinks that the right wing is being added using a mirror matrix. You have wing1.ldr and wing2.ldr in your model. In theory you could get by with just wing.ldr, because wing2.ldr (...) (16 years ago, 14-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Kevin L. Clague
   (...) Well, scratch that analysis. wing2.ldr and wing1.ldr are exactly the same model. When you added wing2.ldr you *did* use mirror matrix. LPub notices that you used a mirrored matrix, and rendered the wing with the mirror matrix rotation. (...) (16 years ago, 14-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LPub Bad results with LDView —Don Heyse
   (...) Way back in olden times we created some programs to automate the mirroring process. (URL) anyone feel like testing the programs out to see how well they hold up with all the new parts available today? Don (16 years ago, 15-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)

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