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Render Effects, (Was: Re: L3P Question)
Wed, 3 Dec 2008 20:58:56 GMT
7432 times
In lugnet.cad, Lutz Uhlmann wrote:
   In lugnet.cad, Eric Albrecht wrote:

The AR option is implemented for now as a technical test. I wanted to make use of some of Antons parts, such as minifig gear and curved parts. These are hard to redesign in LGEO with the small cylinder edges. To make use of Antons parts, I need to check each part in details and find out the needed transformation to match the LGEO coordinate system (Which then is matched to the LDRAW world by L3P). If you have special whishes on preferred parts, let me know. I will see what can be done.

   If I get this one solved, I’ll follow up with a much heavier question!!

So let’s hear this one...

Got it. So although there is a “-ar” flag, it is not fully capable yet. I assume therefore that any of Anton’s parts I wanted to use I would have to extract from his library and insert into my POV file, along with any required rotations or translations.

The heavier question has nothing to do with L3P, so I have changed the thread subject. Basically, I’m trying to see how far I can push this rendering thing, and I have a grand plan. So far, I have this:

Brickshelf image

I have used perspective, reflectivity, LGEO parts, AR parts, modified colors and textures, radiosity, and HDR lighting. It looks good, but I’ve set my sights higher.

First, I want to remove the flat plane floor and make it look like dirt and rocks. I don’t know how to do this yet but I don’t think it will be too hard.

Next, I want to put the model in fog. I know there is a fog function in POV-Ray which will vary the density with elevation, which is what I want to do.

The next step is much harder. I want the headlights to light up, and I want to be able to see the beams in the fog. I can put spotlight sources at the headlights easily enough. I think that I need to use scattering media to see the light beams. I’ve read the tutorial and tried a sample file, but I can’t get it to work. Either the image becomes totally black or totally white.

I also want all of the other marker lights on the vehicle to illuminate their surroundings dimly. I think I can do this with the “looks-like” tag in a light source.

Finally, I realize that the headlights and markers will not actually be illuminated by their own light. So I want to make them glow. Again, I know this is possible but I don’t know how to do it.

If that still doesn’t satisfy me, I may also use a focal blur camera.

I figure that if I can actually get all this stuff to work, I’ll be pretty well set up for anything else I would want to do.

Thanks for any advice from anyone!

Eric Albrecht


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Render Effects, (Was: Re: L3P Question)
(...) This sounds quite a lot like my Christmas tree lights, a render from 1999, (URL) go down the page a bit. This render is only illuminated by the lights in the Christmas tree, no external light sources. Please note that I have not tried this (...) (16 years ago, 3-Dec-08, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Render Effects, (Was: Re: L3P Question)
(...) I am interested in doing this, too. I used the lookslike statement, but as you said the bulbs themselves don't light up. Adding a glow won't help in my case since the bulbs are transparent. It appears I will have to model the actual filaments (...) (16 years ago, 4-Dec-08, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: L3P Question
(...) The AR option is implemented for now as a technical test. I wanted to make use of some of Antons parts, such as minifig gear and curved parts. These are hard to redesign in LGEO with the small cylinder edges. To make use of Antons parts, I (...) (16 years ago, 1-Dec-08, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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