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Re: Need some help with Mlcad and Pov
Fri, 22 Jul 2005 03:53:46 GMT
1715 times
In lugnet.cad, Kevin L. Clague wrote:

  I've never used L3PAO, so I cannot say.

  In MLCad I'd try creating a new model in your current MPD that uses Model 1,
and Model 2.

  I'd use MLCad's MPD ordering menu to make sure your top level model (your new
model) is the first in the file.  Save, and try L3PAO again.

L3PAO is probably rendering the first model in the MPD (as it should).  Since
your first model is Model 1, and it doesn't use Model 2 as a sub-model, Model 2
is not rendered.

  By creating a new top level model containing Model 1 and Model 2, both should
be rendered.


I must not be doing something right, because I tried it again.  Here's what I'm

Model 1 is a "road.ldr" which is a grey, straight road plate and a stop sign on

Model 2 is a "figure.ldr" consisting of a simple minifig.

Here are the steps that I'm doing:

1) What I do is load in "road.ldr".
2) I then choose Import Model and I import "figure.ldr".
3) Then I chose New Model and select a name called "New Test".
4) Now I've got the "road.ldr" and "figure.ldr" over in the window where the
pieces are under documents.  I drag them both into the scene and put the figure
right where I want it.
5) In the "active model" window just above the 4 work windows (top, front,
right, 3D), I make sure that "New Test.ldr" is selected.
6) I save the new file as "Road and Figure" and it saves it as a mpd file.
7) I use L3PAO to load up "road and figure.mpd" and convert it to a POV file.
8) I start POV, load the "road and figure.pov" file and render.
9) All that renders is the road and stop sign from "road.ldr".  The figure isn't

So what did I forget?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Need some help with Mlcad and Pov
(...) OK, the problem is starting with road.ldr. That makes it the first model in the file, which is always what L3P uses to generate the POV file. And because you only added road.ldr and figure.ldr to the 3rd model, it never gets rendered. What you (...) (20 years ago, 22-Jul-05, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Need some help with Mlcad and Pov
(...) Chris, I've never used L3PAO, so I cannot say. In MLCad I'd try creating a new model in your current MPD that uses Model 1, and Model 2. I'd use MLCad's MPD ordering menu to make sure your top level model (your new model) is the first in the (...) (20 years ago, 21-Jul-05, to lugnet.cad)

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