Re: Postcard from Poland
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 17:32:36 GMT
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shaggie wrote:
> Well, I'm still novice with POV-Ray and I have some troubles with
> lights. Middle lamppost is probably lighted by light sources located
> in the building.¬ ¬
Maybe you could use a spotlight, so that the light from inside the building
is not directed at the post?
Or you could experiment with fade_distance and fade_power so the light
doesn't reach that far, I did that in my 1998 Christmas Card,
Here's the POV-code for the candles (there are 19 of them, and they are the
only lights in that picture)
#declare Color46_t = texture {
pigment { rgbf <1,0.905882,0.211765,0.90> }
finish { ambient 0.6 diffuse 0 phong 0.5 phong_size 40 reflection 0.9
refraction 1 ior 1.25 }
#declare light_point = light_source {
<0, -8, 0>
color rgb 0.5*<1,0.905882,0.211765>
fade_distance 60.0
fade_power 1.6
looks_like {_3062_dot_dat texture { Color46_t } }
Then I just replaced each
object { _3062_dot_dat matrix ... }
object { light_point matrix ...}
The fade_distance and fade_power obviously depends on the size of the model.
It took quite a lot of experimentation to get the overall light level right.
And then there is the radiosity variation, much softer pictures, muuuuch
longer rendering time. My private masterpiece:
Anders Isaksson, Sweden
Message has 1 Reply: ![](/news/x.gif) | | Re: Postcard from Poland
| (...) I've tried with spotlight, but then the interior of the building get dark. Spotlight creates light like a reflector, not like a bulb. (...) This is much better idea, I have to try it. Thanks! (...) Oh, this is smart. I've used "light.dat" in (...) (20 years ago, 18-Oct-04, to lugnet.cad, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
![](/news/x.gif) | | Re: Postcard from Poland
| (...) Whoa, this is great. It's honour for me that one of my renderings is used as desktop background. (...) Well, I'm still novice with POV-Ray and I have some troubles with lights. Middle lamppost is probably lighted by light sources located in (...) (20 years ago, 17-Oct-04, to lugnet.cad, FTX)
4 Messages in This Thread: ![Re: Postcard from Poland -Anders Isaksson (17-Oct-04 to lugnet.cad)](/news/x.gif) ![](/news/46.gif) ![Re: Postcard from Poland -Andrzej M. Szlaga (17-Oct-04 to lugnet.cad)](/news/x.gif) ![](/news/46.gif) ![You are here](/news/here.gif) ![](/news/46.gif) ![Re: Postcard from Poland -Andrzej M. Szlaga (18-Oct-04 to lugnet.cad)](/news/x.gif)
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