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Re: POV-Ray and transperancy
Sun, 7 Sep 2003 04:35:01 GMT
1026 times
In lugnet.cad, James Reynolds wrote:
Yeah.  I wrote the webpage because I needed an alpha channel.  Mainly, Mac OS
X's window server uses alpha channels to calculate transparencies, so if I
wanted to add a background to the image, but not the entire image, I had to use
alpha channels.

That way I can have a cool lego icon with a custom background that only covers
part of the model.  Any transperant lego bricks remain transparent.

See this image (the icon for L3P Launcher):

I don't know if I can take the transparency in a png and create an alpha channel
from it.  If it is possible, I should just use that method since it would
probably be easier.

Well, the transparency in PNG files really is just an alpha channel.  It might
not be called that, but it's 8 bit just like your standard alpha channel in TIFF
and others.  For whatever reason, Photoshop treats it as transparency while
treating the alpha channel in a TIFF like a new channel.  I'm not quite sure
why.  (Ideally, Photoshop would allow you to convert its transparency info into
an alpha channel, and vice versa, but this doesn't seem to be possible, the last
time I checked.)

Because it really is just an alpha channel, I suspect that most image converters
would convert the transparency channel in a PNG to an alpha channel in a TIFF.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: POV-Ray and transperancy
(...) Yeah. I wrote the webpage because I needed an alpha channel. Mainly, Mac OS X's window server uses alpha channels to calculate transparencies, so if I wanted to add a background to the image, but not the entire image, I had to use alpha (...) (21 years ago, 6-Sep-03, to lugnet.cad)

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