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POV-Ray and transperancy
Fri, 5 Sep 2003 08:40:05 GMT
562 times
I don't know if this is much help to others, but I thought I would post it here
just in case.  It is just a little tutorial on adding a background image to a
POV-Ray generated images using an alpha channel and Photoshop.  It would be
easier to just save the output of POV-Ray as a png, but I came accross a
situation where I needed an alphachannel (TIFF format file), so I figured this
out and wrote it up.  Here it is:


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: POV-Ray and transperancy
(...) transparency channel of a PNG file, then Photoshop should natively import this into its own transparency channel, and you should be able to simply add the background as a layer behind the main layer. For an example, download the following (...) (21 years ago, 6-Sep-03, to lugnet.cad)

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