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 CAD / *47307 (-10)
  Lego R2-D2 Maths Worksheet
Hi all, You can find my latest LDraw related experiment here - it's a maths worksheet featuring a Lego R2-D2! (URL) created the R2-D2 graphic using the following technique: 1. Built model in MLCAD (LDR file available here (URL) Loaded model in (...) (14 years ago, 30-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: What do LDraw dev people use for multiplatform development
(...) I don't mind, always nice to learn something new. (...) I never heard of this language, after a quick lookup on wikipedia it seems interesting. I like the strong typing ala pascal. It's something I miss in C++. (...) Seems very interesting, (...) (14 years ago, 29-Jun-11, to
  Re: What do LDraw dev people use for multiplatform development
(...) I know this answer is coming a bit late, but you'll get it anyway. I use Ada as my primary programming language. You can get Ada compilers targeting practically anything from Atmel microcontrollers over SCUD2 warheads to Intel CPUs with (...) (14 years ago, 29-Jun-11, to
  SR 3D Builder NEXT release features preview
This is preview video of some of the new features available from next release. Please note that CURRENT RELEASE STILL DOES NOT SUPPORT THAT Enjoy... and patience (at least up to September) !!! (URL) (14 years ago, 29-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) I have just looked into the documentation of LDView and it seems that snapshots can be taken by batch but not export. cu mikeheide (14 years ago, 28-Jun-11, to
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) For what it's worth I wrote a tutorial for batch-filing LDView: (URL) used to create the thumbnails for my site. Admittedly it is a bit out of date but hopefully gets you the idea. w. (14 years ago, 28-Jun-11, to
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) Yes, LDView can be used via command-line. This is how LPub uses it. The reference is in the help file that comes with LDView. I think the Travis put some stuff in there to mimic L3P commands as well. -Orion (14 years ago, 27-Jun-11, to
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) OK, I'm going to have to work around this for a while. My problem is that I support a large community of users, with a package that uses LDraw to construct 3D data charts as an add-on to Microsoft Excel. Built into the nmacro code is the full (...) (14 years ago, 27-Jun-11, to
  Re: Lego Architecture
(...) Yes, I have one (URL) (14 years ago, 27-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Lego Architecture
(...) There might be some on my repository. But I am not sure. (URL) (14 years ago, 27-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad)

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