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 Building / Mosaics / 306
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Re: Grayscale Mosaics
Wed, 5 Jan 2005 14:56:08 GMT
6480 times
To create my Level 42 mosaic I used the Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorythm:
This algorythm was originally written to convert images to black & white (NO grayscale) to reduce filesize. I used this very same algorythm in a 3-dimensional space: the RGB-space (every colour has 0-255 Red, 0-255 Green, 0-255 Blue).
I decide which colours I want to use in my mosaic, so if I only select white, black, and 3 shades of gray, my Level 42 mosaic might have looked like this (maybe I should play more with contrast/brightness):

Left: original / Middle: Floyd-Steinberg / Right: no dithering

Extra in my program: because (IMO) too many pixels turn gray in other programs, I only turn a pixel gray if it IS gray (e.g. if calculated distance in RGB-space <20 to gray). If gray is the best matching colour, but if I actually expect the pixel to turn into another colour, then I make it turn into that other colour.
I haven’t tried a SNOT-mosaic because it requires too many tiles.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Grayscale Mosaics
Maarten, My mosaics are more than just a dithering of the 5 grayscale lego colors. In MLCAD, using a dithering of the 5 colors, I create a palette of 9 colors that I feel tricks the eye into seeing more shades, and therefore a clearer image. Here's (...) (20 years ago, 8-Jan-05, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Grayscale Mosaics
A year ago I saw the large Mona Lisa LEGO mosaic in person. I really wanted to be able to create something like that... without printing out an image and creating a LEGO mosaic pixel for stud. I was just never satisfied with computer programs that (...) (20 years ago, 3-Jan-05, to, FTX)

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