Re: New Mecha - "Tortoise" Next-Generation Land Mecha
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 15:58:51 GMT
519 times
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Awwwwwww man Mladen! That rules! Great colour scheme, (how many times have
you heard that?) And the guns! OW! Amazing! The twin rifles sticking out of
the torso...gack! thud... amazing! Oh man those are incredible! droooooooool,
And the rifle, that makes me sick, awesome, absolutely beautiful, those
shoulder cannons! ouch, those are so cool, I'm having trouble finding words
right now, oh my gosh,
Nice heavy look to the mech itself, it looks tough and ready to rumble and,
and, and the AA guns! assuming that's what they are, are totally awesome!
I'm trying to figure this out myself but can't, how do you get the throwbot
balljoint holders to stay in?
Great gobs of detail, and lots of armor plating, meesa likes thees lot's.
But the weapons! Argg, they are so cool and original!
A total treat as usual, C'ya
In, Mladen Pejic writes:
> Enjoy!
> Mladen Pejic, over and out!
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: New Mecha - "Tortoise" Next-Generation Land Mecha
| (...) Thanks Geordan. (...) Actually, the those large cannons are grenade launchers (look at the close-up), and those "rifles" on the belly are four-barreled, 30mm, rotary machine guns. (...) and hips). Look at each picture, and you'll get a good (...) (24 years ago, 23-Aug-01, to
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