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Re: Neo-Oz Update: Additional 1.48MB of ZERO pictures added.
Mon, 21 May 2001 00:46:51 GMT
576 times
In, Borislav Marinov writes:
At 12:08AM Pacific Time Neo-Oz military officials have finally released
additional images of Gundam ZERO.  Major highlights: ZERO holding the Gallet
Gun II, and the Gundam released from its support column.  You can see the
pictures at Neo-Oz's main web site:

Or directly through here:

Very cool!  There's a lot here to see.  at first glance, I'm noticing that
you've used magnets to keep the cockpit hatch in place - what amazing scale to
be able to do such a thing!  Do we get to see some action poses when you come
back from your trip?

Specs of the Gundam ZERO:
Height: 4ft
Width: 3ft
Weight: Unknown (estimated at 8 pounds)
Specials: The whole Gundam has only 2 worm gears and none of the parts have
been modified (I call it mutilated) or "adapted" to fit ZERO's purpose.  The
Gundam is held together by an internal frame (of which I am rather proud) • built
entirely out of 2 old Technic sets and standard System parts.  (Note: the • older
Technic sets have much tougher black pins).

So I've heard.  I've been dying to get my hands on some of those!

  Although the frame could really
use a few worm gears for added stability, it works fine without them.  I hope
that since I have proven it is entirely possible to build a very large Gundam
using primarily Castle and Pirate sets that other builders follow suit in
Gundam construction.
Just one more thing, Neo-Oz scientists have noticed strange anomalies around
the sun of their star system.  A large magnetic burst is scheduled for June 7
(I am leaving the country) which will completely cut of their planet from the
rest of the universe.  If you have any question or comments, well, now is
the time.

Borislav Marinov (Neo-Oz)

Keep up the good work!  I look forward to seeing future creations (that six
footer you were talking about?)!

I am not posting anything after midnight from now on.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Neo-Oz Update: Additional 1.48MB of ZERO pictures added.
(...) Action poses are a problem due to the chronic lack of worm gears, but they are not out of the question. (...) This is a problem and that is why I am releasing as many pictures of ZERO now. See, I do not know if I am coming back or not, and if (...) (24 years ago, 21-May-01, to,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Neo-Oz Update: Additional 1.48MB of ZERO pictures added.
At 12:08AM Pacific Time Neo-Oz military officials have finally released additional images of Gundam ZERO. Major highlights: ZERO holding the Gallet Gun II, and the Gundam released from its support column. You can see the pictures at Neo-Oz's main (...) (24 years ago, 20-May-01, to,,

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