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Identify this pneumatic piece
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 14:22:01 GMT
2205 times
I acquired a bunch of LEGO recently, mostly Technic, and one piece I haven't
seen before. It's basically a black 2x4 brick with three ports for attaching
air hoses. What's it for and what sets did it come in? It seems like it might
have valves in it but I haven't really experimented with it. Can anyone
explain it in a bit more detail?


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Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Identify this pneumatic piece
I think this part was used in Legos early pneumatic history. You ran a hose from your pump to the center port on the 2 X 4 brick. You then ran a hose from each side port to the top and bottom ports on you pneumatic switch. Another hose ran from the (...) (26 years ago, 22-Oct-98, to
  Re: Identify this pneumatic piece
> I acquired a bunch of LEGO recently, mostly Technic, and one piece > I haven't seen before. It's basically a black 2x4 brick with three > ports for attaching air hoses. What's it for and what sets did it > come in? It seems like it might have (...) (26 years ago, 22-Oct-98, to

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