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 Building / *3650 (-20)
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
(...) :) Yeah, I think it would be phenomenally helpful if they just built from sets currently on the market-- at least then they can more or less guarantee that the pieces are available SOMEWHERE! (...) The other thing about the Amazing Animals (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
(...) Hi John, I can probably help you with items.... 2, 4, d, e. The 1x4x2 arch can be created with a 1x4x1 arch and (2) 1x1x1 bricks. These pieces make the same identical arch. I just looked at your BAYLIT website, and maybe we can do some (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
In, Jon Kozan writes: <much snippage> (...) These are/were available, 6 to a set in 6337 Fast Track Finish: (URL) you can't find it locally (it is a 1996 set) There are some in my area, but at about MSRP+10% - which is (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
(...) [snip] (...) Check out set # 6277, the Imperial Trading Post, one of the *best* Lego Pirates sets *ever* (and one that I DON'T HAVE...grumble) >:-( (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
I recently received the 2 new LEGO Modelers Books published by DK Press: "Build Fabulous Figures" and "Build Amazing Animals." I would like to get the parts for the models and give them to my son as a gift. This is where the problems begin. I have a (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Tiger 1 WW2 Tank
(...) That was my guess. By my analysis, it isn't worth ordering. You can get 36 belt links for $6.50 (or about 18 cents each) You can get 180 small links for $6.50 (or about 3.6 cents each) Using these prices (with a little more accuracy) I get a (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Tiger 1 WW2 Tank
(...) Although the picture is misleading, I'm pretty sure that it is a combo pack judging by the description. "Item Description: This pack includes 54-Conveyor Belts and 175-Chain Links." -Duane (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Tiger 1 WW2 Tank
What are the differences between the links included in Conveyor Belt and Chain Links Pack: (URL) it just a combination of the following two? and Conveyor Belt Links: (URL) Chain Links: (URL) for those tired of seeing the URLs get wrapped, here are (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Tiger 1 WW2 Tank
You guys are amazing :) Thanks, shaun (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Tiger 1 WW2 Tank
(...) I learned a trick from Chris Moseley when it comes to the need for lots of tread links: You can put in an ordinary chain link (not the wide tread variant) between every two tread links: ##=##=##=##=##= That way, you can make treads that are (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Self as a minifig II
Spmeone I work with did a graphic for my web site that has a minifig of myself. (URL) Clark (URL) 39423705 ---...--- (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to
  Alternate Minifig Torso (was Re: Woohoo!! I'm First!!)
(...) you (...) bucket) (...) Heh, they just look stalky or barrel-chested to me. (...) No it works fine! I just did that after reading this thread and thinking that my space hangar could use a new droid. The tall hip studs just make the bottoms of (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to,,
  Re: Self as a minifig II
Scott Costello <> wrote in message (...) have (...) Skywalker, I (...) cap (...) hi Warning this is only for the desperate ( or anyone who is avoiding a deadline). I have experimented with (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to
  Self as a minifig II
Quite a few of you have made mini-figs of yourselves and your spouses. I would love to do this, however here is my dilema, my wife is blonde. I have never seen long blonde hair; come to think of it, other than Luke Skywalker, I have never seen any (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to
  Re: What is Znap?
Argh. I just replied to this via mail, because Colin mailed me his posting without any indication that it was a post to the newsgroup To everyone, PLEASE do not send me mail copies of your posts. Tres unuseful. I'll see your post and respond, there (...) (25 years ago, 24-Feb-00, to lugnet.znap,, lugnet.general)
  Re: Tiger 1 WW2 Tank
(...) Larry (...) In (...) with (...) fits a (...) some (...) them ... :) (...) lot (...) it! (...) links (...) you (...) turret (...) castle (...) does it (...) the (...) (25 years ago, 24-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Tiger 1 WW2 Tank
(...) Larry (...) In (...) with (...) fits a (...) some (...) ... :) (...) You were Oh so close though. Try this: (URL) not sure if the address line-wrapped or not, but look for the conveyor links, not the chain links. -Duane (25 years ago, 24-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Tiger 1 WW2 Tank
All right, I've been following this part with some curiosity .... Where can you get these tank treads? I looked at the LEGO Dacta link that Larry posted, and I'm not convinced that they are the same as the ones Carl used. In fact, I'm pretty sure (...) (25 years ago, 24-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Tiger 1 WW2 Tank
:-p Sorry! Thank you very much though for counting. Man, that's going to be expensive! I figured I'd buy 10 sets just to be safe. Approx. $60 will give me enough for two tanks or so! The guy that sits next to me at work is a big time scale modeler. (...) (25 years ago, 24-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general)
(...) & (...) Vader keychains. Alan This message's random set is: 6362, (URL) (25 years ago, 24-Feb-00, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.starwars)

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