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  Re: LEGO Carnival Fantasy Cruise Ship?
Appearently this model is on board the ship. My wife went on a cruise last summer and she took some pics of it for me... I'll see if I can find them. "Tim Tosino" <> wrote in message (...) (22 years ago, 12-Feb-03, to
  Re: LEGO Fantasy Cruise Ship?
(...) Given the use of the LEGO logo, I assume that it is a model built by LEGO for some show? Does anybody know? Play well, Jacob (22 years ago, 11-Feb-03, to
  LEGO Fantasy Cruise Ship?
(URL) these photos and couldn't find any discussion or news about it here. (22 years ago, 11-Feb-03, to,  
  LEGO Fantasy Cruise Ship?
(URL) these photos and couldn't find any discussion or news about it here. (22 years ago, 11-Feb-03, to,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
(...) Apologies for the delayed feedback - I don't have time to peruse Lugnet as much as I would like. Anyway... congrats on the nice MOC. The superstructure seems a little more boxy than it should, but I love the flared effect on the bow. I was a (...) (22 years ago, 10-Feb-03, to lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
Richie- Thanks for the comments. I'm just waiting for the next incarnation of the Famous Mister Snottler to appear--they've been getting to be quite amazing, and given the extreme flare of the bows on those types of warships I'm looking forward to (...) (22 years ago, 29-Jan-03, to lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
Mattias- Thanks so much for the feedback--I think selective compression plus the minifig scale meant that some details (for example, using triple TT instead of the real ship's quads) were in fact sacrificed. But I'm sure it would be very possible (...) (22 years ago, 29-Jan-03, to lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
(...) Phew! That's a relief. I was afraid I'd just prattled on ceaselessly. :) I'm sorry the picture of yours that I liked so much and included was the last one on the Expo page, but those pictures had to go down there to encourage everyone to stick (...) (22 years ago, 29-Jan-03, to lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
(...) Truly magnificent, Lindsay. The LEGO scaling is amazing, the attention to detail superb. (One of my favourite details are your spoked wheel drums. I've already built a few - it's always good to find new uses for common (and seldom used parts). (...) (22 years ago, 28-Jan-03, to lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
Wow. I think the keyboard is going to short out from all the drool. Mr. Braun, you ROCK. (22 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to lugnet.pirates,,

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