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 Boats / *150 (-20)
  Where can I get Lego boat motors?
(...) afternoon. (...) Now the question is where can I get them at? ~Nick (URL) (25 years ago, 3-Jun-00, to
  Re: Boat Motors?
(...) Whoa, that's the site alright! Cool, thanks! (That is sorda freaky....) ~Nick (URL) (25 years ago, 3-Jun-00, to
  Re: Boat Motors?
Wow, freaky! I was just reading Chistopher Masi's page on that this afternoon. (...) (25 years ago, 2-Jun-00, to
  Boat Motors?
Hello. I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could find the small motors that can be used on the lego boats. I remember seeing them somewhere on a website once, but I have forgotten. Thanks! ~Nick (URL) (25 years ago, 2-Jun-00, to
  Re: Question about Running 12v trains
(...) One possible explanation for this (since I have washed many bricks and noticed this sometimes, but not most of the time): Dirty bricks will have a layer of grit on them which could throw off the tolerances, and will increase wear, especially (...) (25 years ago, 17-May-00, to lugnet.trains,, lugnet.general)
  Re: Question about Running 12v trains
(...) first (...) 4.5V (...) At the age of maybe 5 to 7 I built a paddle steamer too, but I used the red swimming hulls of set 311: (URL) I built it with a gap in the middle for the paddles shaft and placed my 103 motor avove that. (I dared to use (...) (25 years ago, 17-May-00, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Question about Running 12v trains
(...) Ben, we have _got_ to hear the story of this! I used to make paddle "steamers", using Electical tape and Lego (the tape seals the Lego up quite well...except across the bottom...) I don't have any pic's here, and I doubt there are any at (...) (25 years ago, 16-May-00, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!)
(...) Well, no actually. My next water project will be a ferry (Kinda like the ferries that are located in Estonia). When I built Seaborn Brick, I was hooked on the "real life scale" Type of model. I can never go back to the "six wide building" Lego (...) (25 years ago, 2-May-00, to
  Re: Cruise ship (Was: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!))
(...) Of course. That applies without saying. I was thinking more in a historic perspective, not with the recent years in mind. Fredrik (25 years ago, 29-Apr-00, to
  Cruise ship (Was: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!))
Fredrik: (...) Minifig scale, but with "selective compression". (...) It applies to non-technic models too, even though it probably isn't quite as difficult. (...) Mmmm. (yes) But <long complaint about juniorisation/> Play well, Jacob ---...--- -- (...) (25 years ago, 28-Apr-00, to
  Re: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!)
(...) Do you mean at minifig scale or not? I mean: Shall the boat accomodate minifigs or not? I would agree with you that building a small model to have basically the same features would be an interesting challenge. Sure, building large models is a (...) (25 years ago, 28-Apr-00, to
  Re: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!)
Erin: (...) Nice work. I suppose that the next challenge is to see how small a cruise ship it possible to build, while still keeping all the essential features. Play well, Jacob (who is working on a vessel for the bad-guy-adventurers) ---...--- -- (...) (25 years ago, 28-Apr-00, to
  Re: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!)
I know about the cutoff, it was supposed to say "Not shown in the picture, a scaled down model of the ship in the confrence room." Glad you liked it though! Erin -- (25 years ago, 26-Apr-00, to
  Re: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!)
Hi Erin! I absolutely love it! The amount of detail you managed to put in such in enormous ship is simply amazing, excellent job! I especially love the cabins and the kitchen area, as well as the curvature of the bow. Also, the hot tub looks great! (...) (25 years ago, 26-Apr-00, to
  Re: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!)
(...) That's a big boat! I like the interior detail you put in. This caliber work makes me feel a little insignificant. Keep it up! -Chris (25 years ago, 26-Apr-00, to
  Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!)
Okay, um.........I have a feeling that I'll have alot of grovelling to do in the next few days, oh well. Heres the link!!! Seaborn Brick is @ (URL) Enjoy! LMKWYT!!!! Oh, and thanks to Silas Pierrot, Randy Anchikoski, and Lindsay Fredrick Braun (For (...) (25 years ago, 26-Apr-00, to !! 
  For Mark Cornell was Re: Floating boat sets
Hi Mark, I've tried to reply to your offer but keep getting the message below: Hi. This is the qmail-send program at I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. (...) (25 years ago, 23-Apr-00, to
  Floating boat sets
Hi All, I'm trying to track down the following floating boat sets that I need to be boat complete. 310, 315, 709 and 775 Thanks Mark H. (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to
  Replacement Rigging (was Re: Ironclad _La Gloire_ virtually complete)
(...) I've used them, but in "wrap" form--sandwiched into some other construction. But the cording seems too thick to hold well between bricks. The thread, as you noted, will work between 'em--the problem is that I only had one piece of unused (...) (25 years ago, 12-Mar-00, to lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: Ironclad _La Gloire_ virtually complete--mini-page up
(...) Have you considered taking Lego string out of convenient unused winches? I've found that in general, clamping the end of a string between bricks is as good a hold as the little 1x1 round ends. Come to think of it, you could actually even use (...) (25 years ago, 12-Mar-00, to lugnet.pirates,,

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