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Re: 2000 Artic theme = space
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.aquazone
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 19:54:32 GMT
276 times
In, Todd Lehman writes:

But here's something that hasn't appeared since 1993 -- and then only in
one set ever, IIRC -- WHITE Baseplates!!!

Two white 16x32 baseplates in 6575 -- woowoo!

Take a close look at the pic of 6575 on page 23 - I *think* it might actually
be a 16x32, and 2 16x16's - it appears to be a break in the baseplate right in
the middle of the blue wall (on the section with the blue dome).  Either way,
I agree - Woohoo!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 2000 Artic theme = space
(...) Oh, you're right! 6195 had a trans-dark-blue 10x10x4 dome, just like the one in the new Arctic set, 6575. Awright then, in that case, I'm happy to see it make a return! As much as I like a variety of window colors, trans- dark-blue is still (...) (25 years ago, 10-Nov-99, to,, lugnet.aquazone)

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