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 Announcements / *1236 (-5)
  Looking for interested AFOL's
Is there anybody in the Minneapolis/St. Paul/Western Wisconsin area who might want to get together and form TCLUG (Twin Cities Lego Users Group)? We don't have to have regular meetings or anything to start, we could start by meeting at a toy store (...) (24 years ago, 5-Apr-01, to lugnet.announce)  
  A fun announcemert
Hello all, I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this or brought it up. If so I appologize it advance. However, I thought it was interesting when I was looking at one of my Alpha Team sets and noticed that the villian's name is Ogel. I looked at it for (...) (24 years ago, 5-Apr-01, to lugnet.announce) ! 
  US S@H Specials, Apr 4 - Apr 10, 2001
(URL) Action Wheelers Rescue Base $49.99 $37.50 2030 Squirt the Frog $ 3.99 $ 2.00 2803 Dinosaur Babies $ 9.99 $ 5.00 System 6125 Sea Sprint $ 3.99 $ 3.00 1822 Sea Claw 7 $19.99 $15.99 6327 Turbo Champs $ 9.99 $ 4.00 3411 Blue Bus w/Ball $19.99 (...) (24 years ago, 4-Apr-01, to lugnet.announce.lsahs,  
  New House
I know how much everyone loves those gray droid escape 1/4 round pieces. Here's a new house that uses them as a central tower. I didn't get time to furnish it yet, but will do that soon! (Need brown pieces) Click on the link under the picture to get (...) (24 years ago, 4-Apr-01, to lugnet.announce) !! 
  Pokemon Lego sculpture
I built these models a couple of months ago, but I've been dragging my feet about getting pictures on the web. However, I brought them to the BayLUG meeting this past weekend, and as a result pictures of them have made it onto the club website. To (...) (24 years ago, 3-Apr-01, to lugnet.announce,, ! 

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