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Re: LEGO animation software
lugnet.animation, lugnet.cad.ray
Fri, 23 Jan 2004 19:32:25 GMT
6935 times
At 01:26 PM 1/23/2004, Steve wrote:
I dont have much experience with writing programs. But I am working on
writing a
tutorial on how to make animations with povray using the clock, transform, and
rotate commands. Maybe a couple of weeks.

For now this is the best site I have found.

< >

Does ld4d modeler create an mlcad file for every frame then render it?

Ahui showed me that site just the other day; that guy is wonderful. My
brain hurts.

I'd be very, very interested in seeing some tutorials on your animations,
Steve. I watched your entire Brickshelf animation collection a couple days
ago and was impressed.

Orion said:
I'm curious.  Have you used L4DModeller?  If not, have a look here:

As a matter of fact I have. However, due to the lack of documentation and
the not-so-userfriendly interface I stopped using it. I was never able to
produce anything with it, since there was no tutorial or anything on how to
produce the actual animation. I probably could have figured it out if I had
sat there and played with it for a while but I didn't have time to do that
at the time I was using it. I was getting some bugs, too.

I think the method used in LD4DModeler is a good one - it just needs to be
documented and refined a bit.

And in reply to all the other great far all I'm hearing
about has been created already. A viewer, a converter, a renderer...half
the work would just be integrating all these together, perhaps as a GUI
connecting the external programs or actually integrated.

And one other thing - Animation was never supposed to be simple. I don't
think complicated is a bad thing in a piece of software - it just has to be
clearly documented and user-friendly. :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO animation software
(...) Hello I dont have much experience with writing programs. But I am working on writing a tutorial on how to make animations with povray using the clock, transform, and rotate commands. Maybe a couple of weeks. For now this is the best site I (...) (21 years ago, 23-Jan-04, to lugnet.animation, lugnet.cad.ray)

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