| | Re: Your Thoughts on Image Hosting Sites...
(...) Support for LEGO Creator World and Model files in addition to those mentioned by Jim DeVona. I know that's a really old program, but that doesn't mean no one uses it anymore. Support for .PDF files and option to view them as web pages, one (...) (17 years ago, 4-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
| | Re: official issues list
(...) Thank you, that is great. The modular buildings have really sparked my interest. The Eiffel Tower was one of the most interesting things to build and anyone who comes to my house always marvels at that. The kids love it more that any other (...) (17 years ago, 4-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors)
| | Re: Your Thoughts on Image Hosting Sites...
(...) I think this discussion has already happened. A lot of people gave their input in the last few weeks following the potential closing of Brickshelf. It boggles my mind why the ambassadors would want to restart such a discussion merely to have (...) (17 years ago, 4-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
| | Re: Your Thoughts on Image Hosting Sites...
(...) Support for hosting LDraw or LEGO Digital Designer and associated files. In other words, models stored in DAT, LDR, MPD, or LXF format as well as the POV-Ray files and others used to produce renderings and custom instructions. Jim (17 years ago, 4-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
| | Your Thoughts on Image Hosting Sites...
Recent events have put the issue of image hosting in the spotlight. There are a lot of choices out there, from popular sites like Brickshelf and MOCpages to newer sites like MOCShow, YouBrick, BrickImage, and even commercial, non-LEGO sites like (...) (17 years ago, 4-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, FTX) !
| | Re: official issues list
(...) Yes, the LEGO Company has adopted quite a few ideas based on Ambassador suggestions and through feedback from the community brought forward by the Ambassadors. I'll share a few for you: Cafe Corner - the concept was based on a presentation (...) (17 years ago, 3-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors)
| | Re: The Official "Issues List"
Can this "Issues" list be a poll? I'd like a list of checkboxes for all that affect me or some way to select my Top Five. 1 and 2: Color quality and Mold quality are critical. I promoted Lego over other brands by word of mouth because of quality. I (...) (17 years ago, 3-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
| | Re: The Official "Issues List"
(...) William, BrickJournal is for the converted, and for those who are curious about getting into the hobby, and seeing what potential exists for LEGO creations. In essence, it's for those that want to learn more, as well as those who are already (...) (17 years ago, 3-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors)
| | official issues list
Here is a question I came up with last night. Since this program started has Lego ever adopted any suggestion that was presented to the ambassadors? Are there any examples? Also when the uproar about the switch in colors, Lego answered with (...) (17 years ago, 3-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors)
| | Re: The Official "Issues List"
(...) But Samarth was looking forward to working for TLG when left school ;-) No more outsourcing, keep the jobs in Denmark! Tim PS I am aware that your original post was tongue in cheek (17 years ago, 3-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)