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 Ambassadors / *131 (-10)
  Re: LEGO Ambassadors Status Report - Summer 2007
(...) Let me say that I understand your sentiment and your frustration. My aim here is to outline some of the issues that make it difficult to do what seems obvious. Big part of the secrecy issue is actually figuring out what must be kept secret and (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jul-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)  
  Re: LEGO Ambassadors Status Report - Summer 2007
(...) While I agree and reiterate Dave's points, I think that LEGO sees the ambassador program a bit differently. They are not LEGO employees assigned as ambassadors to the AFOL community. I believe LEGO sees them as AFOL members assigned as (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jul-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Ambassadors Status Report - Summer 2007
(...) Just a point here. I think this is part of why the Ambassadors got that "Unbassador" logo that I'm sure everyone has seen floating around. Here's a perfect example of something that you could have shared with the community, but didn't and (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jul-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX) !! 
  Re: LEGO Ambassadors Status Report - Summer 2007
(...) That's still a little vague. I just think if the ambassadors are going to complain in the name of the community, the community should get a say in what they complain about. Personally, I think it'd be better to take just a couple of the (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jul-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Ambassadors Status Report - Summer 2007
(...) What's on the list? The standard range of complaints that you read about on this or other fora: complaints about colour and quality, piece and set design, themes, gender bias/availability, leaks, availability and pricing and so on. Why? (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jul-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Ambassadors Status Report - Summer 2007
(...) That surely doesn't apply to the 'Issues List' though. I for one would like to see what was on that list, and why. (...) I'm confused. How did they know thery were redesigned if they were kept secret? (...) Those kooky terrorists. (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jul-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Ambassadors Status Report - Summer 2007
(...) Nelson's reply is good, but it should also be said that it mainly isn't to keep secret from the community, but to keep secret from rival companies. If TLG's plans are made known before they are ready to act, other companies could rush a (...) (17 years ago, 25-Jul-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Ambassadors Status Report - Summer 2007
(...) Ted- The ideas submitted to TLG were made by the Ambassadors themselves for set/theme designs. Sorry for not phrasing that correctly in my report. "Big Daddy" Nelson (17 years ago, 25-Jul-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Ambassadors Status Report - Summer 2007
(...) Duh! Terrorism of course. 1 Tim 1 Well it seems like a good exucse for every other secret or breach of rights since 2001 so I figure it's got to be good for this one too. (17 years ago, 25-Jul-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Ambassadors Status Report - Summer 2007
(...) Nelson- OK, I'll bite: Why would you need to keep ideas submitted to TLC on behalf of the community secret from the community? -Ted SCLTC (17 years ago, 25-Jul-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)

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