Re: Last Call for Adventure movies poll
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 17:40:05 GMT
1077 times
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In lugnet.adventurers, Mark Lindsey writes:
> Hey Adventurers Fans,
> This is just a reminder that I am posting the 100% Unofficial List of
> Greatest Adventure Movies that somehow Relate to the LEGO Adventurers Theme
> tomorrow. If you want to weigh in with your opinion get it in by about 3:00PM
> Central Standard Time October 29, 1999. Of course once released the list
> itself will spark debate so your opinion will still be heard, but right now
> you can influence how the list is released. I am using an entirely scientific
> formula that calculates which movies are best based on how many times they
> were mentioned, how well they translate to legos, how applicable they are to
> the Adventurers theme, and the most scientific area of all-my own opinion. As
> you can see I need some guidance, so give advice now.
> Thanks,
> Mark L
here's some more films that haven't been mentioned yet:
"The Deceivers" ~ a 1988 Merchant production starring pierce brosnan as a
british officer in india who infiltrates a brotherhood of kali-worshiping
"The Island of Dr. Moreau" ~ based on the h.g.wells novel, i prefer the '77
version with lancaster and york.
"1900" ~ i always reccomend this bertolucci film as it's one of my all-time
faves. it fits into the adventurer category mostly for its' period setting that
spans the lifetimes of two brothers (de niro & depardieu). a whopping 243 min.,
but so rich and beautiful, it's worth it.
the "JUNGLE JIM" movies! i haven't thought of these in years! the first
12-chapter serials (1937) starred grant withers as jim. the more successful
feature films , made n the 50's, starred jonny weissmuller. ~just look at some
of these titles: "captive girl"(1950), "voodoo tiger"('52), "valley of the
headhunters"('53), "jungle moon men"('55), and ""devil goddess"('55)...
jungle jim is an american explorer roaming africa, india, and the middle east,
becoming embroiled in tribal wars, battling slavers, poachers, pirates, and
smugglers, often landing him in nasty spots. (i.e. buried chin-deep in sand,
covered in molasses, waiting for the "fierce jungle ants" to swarm all over
him.) jim had a girlfriend, joan and a native sidekick, kolu, who were both
replaced later on by a hot 2-in-1 package named shanghai lil.
later ~ craig
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: Last Call for Adventure movies poll
| (...) that (...) min., (...) Alright Craig, now I have to go back to the video store! It seems everytime you or Bruce post about this topic I have to go rent more movies. At least there are a lot of good ones though. I am particularly intrigued by (...) (25 years ago, 28-Oct-99, to lugnet.adventurers)
|  | | Re: Last Call for Adventure movies poll
| (...) oh! and how can you look at set #5976 ~river expedition~ and not think of john huston's classic, "The African Queen"(1955)!? the boat driver even resembles bogart! this is another gorgeous movie, filmed on location in the belgian congo. (...) (25 years ago, 28-Oct-99, to lugnet.adventurers)
|  | | Re: Last Call for Adventure movies poll
| (...) I recall this as a T.V. series, but then I remember a number of the Republic movie serials (the Rocketman was the favorite of all the neighborhood kids) as "T.V. series". All I really remember about Jungle Jim is Weismuller in khakis diving (...) (25 years ago, 28-Oct-99, to lugnet.adventurers)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Last Call for Adventure movies poll
| Hey Adventurers Fans, This is just a reminder that I am posting the 100% Unofficial List of Greatest Adventure Movies that somehow Relate to the LEGO Adventurers Theme tomorrow. If you want to weigh in with your opinion get it in by about 3:00PM (...) (25 years ago, 28-Oct-99, to lugnet.adventurers)
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