Re: Question: Why allow postings of on lugnet at all?
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 05:11:21 GMT
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In lugnet.admin.terms, Richie Dulin writes:
> In lugnet.admin.terms, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> [snip]
> > (11a?). (do not) Post offers or announcements of items for sale, offers to
> > buy, wanted notices, offers to obtain for others, or other market or
> > commerce related material to groups outside the market hierarchy, unless the
> > group explicitly allows such offers (for example, at the time of this
> > writing, and possibly some other groups in the loc hierarchy
> > do allow such postings).
> has been tolerant of such posts (i.e. the natives don't complain).
> However, such posts are definitely not techically allowed. This was
> confirmed in July (see ) and as
> recently as .
> I, for one, think it would be good to allow such posts in (I don't
> think the traffic in really justifies seperate groups), providing
> there were 'reasonable usage' provisions, possibly including limiting posts
> to those from Australians (or Australasians) and LEGO Direct.
> Cheers
> Richie Dulin
Thanks for the clarification, Richie... I confess when I penned that screed
I hadn't gone and checked the charter, I was working from memory.
But I think you'd agree that a loc group has a more well defined set of
users than a non specific geographical group... i.e. the "locals", plus the
hangers on who read and post there because interesting things happen
there... (much of LUGNET is blissfully (sadly?) unaware of what goes on in
loc groups other than their own unless there is cross posting). Further I'd
think you'd agree that there is at least a defacto acceptance of market
related posts in if not dejure, ne?
Finally I'd conclude that for local groups, it ought to be the *locals* who
set the tone and the hangers on who ought to conform (and not have a say in
what the tone is... take it or leave it if you're not a local, in other
words, subject only to the overall constraints of the entire system that are
not negotiable or locally modifiable). And the locals in this case have
tended to be supportive of such posts, as well as other deviations from the
norm or default.
(so I am agreeing with you that these posts ought to be allowed as you outline)
++Lar (I meant to also post a proposed revision for the charter of
.brickshops clarifying the mechanics/marketing split, but haven't got round
to it... as you know I'm in the mechanics in .brickshops and marketing in
.bst camp)
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