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Re: Preview: LUGNET T-Shirts, Mousepads, Coffee Mugs
Sat, 1 Jul 2000 07:29:28 GMT
620 times

Yeah, well, I'm more of a big vertically and horizontally in the shoulders
;-)  I have a Silicon Valley Gut now, but as soon as my ribs heal (hurt
them July 99), I plan to start working out and get rid of that.

Silicon Valley gut, huh? Hmm.. I wonder if I can get away with that here in
Michigan? I am just big, everywhere. : )  I am planning, if my site goes
well enough, to go down to two jobs, so I can have "normal" meals and even a
regular exercise plan. Even when I was down to 205, many moons ago, I still
needed at least a 2x, I hate tight shirts, pants, etc. Shopping for t-shirts
has always been fun.

Scott S.
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Preview: LUGNET T-Shirts, Mousepads, Coffee Mugs
Yeah, well, I'm more of a big vertically and horizontally in the shoulders ;-) I have a Silicon Valley Gut now, but as soon as my ribs heal (hurt them July 99), I plan to start working out and get rid of that. (...) -- Tom Stangl ***(URL) Visual FAQ (...) (25 years ago, 1-Jul-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

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