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 Administrative / General / 4691
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Re: ?
Fri, 25 Feb 2000 19:22:22 GMT
240 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Mario Ferrari writes:
1) I was wandering if ItLUG needs its ng.

Well, that's for you guys to decide!  :)

I'd be tempted
to answer yes just to make our users group receive a more official
acknowledgement of its existence <g>

It's very, very easy to set one up for you -- just let me know.

On the other side, all the people that currently post on *are*
ItLUG members, so that would simply mean to move the traffic from one ng to
the other and I can't see any possible benefit in this. Any suggestion?

Well, if you had a dedicated .itlug newsgroup, then that would be for anything
ITLUG-related.  The current group is actually for anything Italia-
related, which might include posts from people in nearby countries or people
from, say, the U.S. planning a trip, etc.  I guess you'd want to weigh the
one against the other.

2) Talking about subgroups, we Italians would like to get the regional
subgroups removed. I mean until we are so many we actually need that kind of
geographical detail :-)

OK, this might be pretty straightforward...looks like only 2 post ever to
any of the* subgroups.


Message is in Reply To: ?
1) I was wandering if ItLUG needs its ng. I'd be tempted to answer yes just to make our users group receive a more official acknowledgement of its existence <g> On the other side, all the people that currently post on (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

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