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 Administrative / Database / 570
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) Great! Thanks for this! Questions: - Do you know how to make the window stay on top under MS Windows? This would be most useful so that whenever I want the window is there. - Do you know how to add a set number typein to the system tray under (...) (25 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) I don't know of any way, no, but in a former life I used to do lots of Win32 GUI programming, so I'm going to bet that it's possible that there's a tool out there somewhere (something akin to WinSpy++) that would let a user choose a window and (...) (25 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) I know it's doable in NS because I've seen it done to me by certain obnoxious sites that I had the misfortune to visit. I don't know how, though. (25 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) IIRC, there are actually 2 layers of the always-on-top property for windows in Win32 -- one which is local to the application and one in which the application itself is entirely above other applications. (I think one of these is in the (...) (25 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) Good question, This was one of those sites that relaunched the same window as soon as you killed it so I was so busy trying to figure out how to kill it without taking all of NS down (I had important stuff in other windows) that I didn't (...) (25 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) only kinda related, I wrote a little perl script to do command line lookups to the database... both for windowz and for linux. That way, if I don't have a browser open, I can still lookup sets all the expert WAMALUG people refer to by (...) (25 years ago, 14-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) well, the thing is, you need to close the window the pops up before it loads anything at all... if you're too slow, it loads the js that tells it to reopen the window when you close the current one... or, (untested), you could turn off java in (...) (25 years ago, 14-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) You could certainly post it right here if you wanted. --Todd (25 years ago, 14-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) well, it's available at: (URL) requires you have perl installed, and LWP::Simple. :) Dan Dan Boger - Georgetown Institute for Cognitive and Computational Sciences ICQ: 1130750 Georgetown University Medical Center (...) (25 years ago, 14-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) BTW, related to above, there's one other URL worth mentioning: (URL) - QuickSet launcher - launches itty bitty dedicated window with self-contained search box. qs.js - QuickSet search - issues a pop-up-prompt search box, then launches itty (...) (25 years ago, 16-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)

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