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Re: Arctic is Town (was: Re: My Analysis of the 2000 Sets)
lugnet.general,, lugnet.admin.database
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 05:39:02 GMT
90 times
In, "Sanjay D'Souza" <> writes:
Todd Lehman wrote in message <>...
In lugnet.general, "D Garcia" <> writes:

Does Arctic really belong in Town?

There's absolutely no question about it.  The Arctic sets are numbered
6520, 6569, 6573, 6575, 6579, etc., placing theme smack in the middle
of the Town range.  Divers, also part of Town, were numbered 6441, 6442,
6555, 6556, 6557, 6558, 6559, 6560, 6599, etc. (plus at least 3 out-of-
range promo sets.)

If this is the case then Futbol shouldn't be considered part of Town/City
Center.  [...]

Logically speaking, that conclusion doesn't follow.[1]  Something being in
63xx-66xx means that it definitely is Town, but something not being
63xx-66xx doesn't necessarily mean that it's not Town.

For example, 9 of the ~23 Ninja sets are in the 60xx range of Castle, but
the remainder are in the 1xxx and 3xxx ranges of promotional and limited-
release sets.  Two are even (very oddly, but maybe a pattern will emerge) in
the 480x range.

Since the Futbol sets are 340x and the 1998 soccer sets were 330x-331x, all
we know is that they're some sort of limited (not worldwide) release.
Futbol still could technically be part of the Town System, and I think
that's a good bet, too, because TLG has always reserved at least 100 numbers
for actual whole Systems in the past, and many short-lived play themes have
numbers all bunched together consecutively.

Consider -- big ranges...

   [misc old]                xxx      (1000)
   [misc]                   1xxx      (1000)
   Primo                    20xx-211x (120)
   [misc]                   212x-219x (80)
   Duplo                    22xx-24xx (300)
   [misc]                   25xx      (100)
   Duplo                    26xx-283x (240)
   [misc]                   284x-289x (60)
   Duplo Toolo              290x-295x?(60?)
   [misc]                   296x-299x (40)
   [misc]                   30xx      (100)
   Scala dolls              31xx-32xx (200)  <--
   [misc]                   33xx-34xx (200)
   Znap                     35xx      (100)  <--
   Fabuland                 36xx-37xx (200)  <--
   [sparse]                 38xx-39xx (200)
   Boats                    40xx      (100)  <--
   Universal                41xx      (100)  <--
   Basic/Classic            42xx      (100)  <--
   Scala jewelry            43xx      (100)  <--
   [reserved]               44xx      (100)
   9v Trains                45xx      (100)  <--
   [reserved]               46xx-47xx (200)
   [sparse]                 48xx      (100)
   Underground              49xx      (100)  <--
   Accessories              50xx-54xx (500)  <--
   Model Team               55xx      (100)  <--
   [sparse]                 56xx      (100)
   [reserved]               57xx      (100)
   Belville                 58xx      (100)  <--
   Adventurers              59xx      (100)  <--
   Castle                   60xx      (100)  <--
   Aquazone                 61xx      (100)  <--
   Pirates                  62xx      (100)  <--
   Town                     63xx-66xx (400)  <--
   Wild West                67xx      (100)  <--
   Space                    68xx-69xx (200)  <--
   [reserved]               70xx      (100)
   Star Wars                71xx      (100)  <--
   [reserved]               72xx-76xx (500)
   4.5v & 12v Trains        77xx-78xx (200)  <--
   TECHNIC                  8xxx      (1000) <--
   DACTA                    9xxx      (1000) <--

...and small, short-lived ranges:

   Space / RoboForce        2151-2154 (4)
   Aquazone / Aquaraiders   2160-2162 (3)
   Silver buckets & tubs    3024-3029 (6)
   Space / Insectoids       3070-3073 (4)
   Soccer (1998-1999)       330x-331x (20)
   Town / Paradisa          640x-641x (20)
   Town / Time Cruisers     6491-6494 (4)
   Town / Time Twisters     6495-6497 (3)
   Town / Divers
   TECHNIC / Star Wars      800x-801x?(20?)
   TECHNIC / Speed Slammers 8236-8238?(3?)
   TECHNIC / Slizer         8500-8508 (9)
   TECHNIC / Robo Riders    8509-8514 (6)

Anyway, since Aquaraiders consisted of 3 sets 2160-2162 outside of the
normal 61xx Aquazone range, and RoboForce consisted of 4 sets 2151-2154
outside of the normal 68xx-69xx Space range, and Insectoids had 4 sets
3070-3073 outside of the normal Space range, then it's entirely possible
that the 330x-331x & 340x-341x Soccer & Futbol sets are part of Town.  I
don't know how probable it is, but it's certainly possible.

Seriously though, was Futbol created because the soccer sets from last year
were a sucess? I think so!

I hope so!!


[1] Consider:
All mice love cheese; I love cheese; Therefore I'm a mouse.  <-- unsound
All mice love cheese; I am a mouse; Therefore I love cheese.  <-- sound

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Arctic is Town (was: Re: My Analysis of the 2000 Sets)
Todd Lehman wrote: <snipped well mapped out discussion of set numbering theory> (...) OK, I have looked at the new catalog in some detail but I can't see where everybody is getting the label "Futbol" for these sets. I am obviously overlooking (...) (25 years ago, 10-Nov-99, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.admin.database)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Arctic is Town (was: Re: My Analysis of the 2000 Sets)
Todd Lehman wrote in message <>... (...) 6520, (...) If this is the case then Futbol shouldn't be considered part of Town/City Center. I just wonder how far TLG go with it. Already the bus and TV crew are on my want list (...) (25 years ago, 10-Nov-99, to lugnet.general,

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