| | Ontario Brick Builders Classic Space Layout @ Ontario Collectors Con January 27, 2019
Good morning! Easing back into the 'Doing Shows', I've signed up the OBB CSL for hte Ontario Collectors Con-- (URL) January 27th, 2019 Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale 6750 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario 10am - 4pm The cost for visitors?-- (...) (6 years ago, 14-Jan-19, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, lugnet.events, lugnet.space)
 | | First Dinner in 2019!!!
Start the new year off right! Come to dinner with us!! Friday, January 11th Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. We'll be stopping by the lego store before hand to pick up as many Benny Spaceships and Friends as we possibly can, so there's (...) (6 years ago, 9-Jan-19, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | Re: Noch irgendwer hier?! Ein Anfang ist gemacht.
(...) Moin Ralph, noch läuft die Kommunikation etwas schleppend: ich hatte meinen "Honigtopf" hier reingestellt und selbst so ziemlich vergessen... Nun kommen also die ersten Bienen angeflogen und Deine Antwort ist 127 mal (!!) abgerufen worden. (...) (6 years ago, 20-Dec-18, to lugnet.loc.de)
 | | Re: December Dinner
(...) Well, the timing works--I will be at dinner tonite! I'll be bringing the SEQ's that I got a few weeks ago, just to show off and stuff... ;P It'll be the first time I've brought some lego and lego related stuff to dinner in a long time. So this (...) (6 years ago, 14-Dec-18, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | December Dinner
Friday, December 14th Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. Here's the thing--life happens pretty quickly at times. Because of a few thinks going on in our personal lives this week, and the unknownness of the timing of certain things, we may (...) (6 years ago, 10-Dec-18, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | Re: LEGO compatible 4.5 volt programmable brick
(...) I've been playing with this for over a week now, and I've created a few more videos-- <https://youtu.be/BkBs5KvwV0> <https://youtu.be/71g4hcQvms> <https://youtu.be/KNNjYBnxPe0> In these videos, I've showed my evolution of discovering how these (...) (6 years ago, 10-Dec-18, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic, FTX)
 | | LEGO compatible 4.5 volt programmable brick
I was fortunate enough to find 4 LEGO compatible 4.5 volt programmable bricks on Facebook Buy and Sell I uploaded a few pictures here-- <https://flic.kr/s/aHskKcnWEa> and I made a little video (with all the Dave tangents I could muster) here-- (...) (6 years ago, 6-Dec-18, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic, FTX)
 | | LEGO display at the Natural History Museum in Halifax, Nov 17 - Jan 2
Owen Grace and I are doing a large LEGO display at the Natural History Museum in Halifax (Summer St. - across from the hospital) starting this weekend (November 17) and running through January 2, 2019. I've got town and train stuff, and Owen is (...) (6 years ago, 13-Nov-18, to lugnet.loc.ca.ns.hal)
 | | Novvember Dinner
Obviously not better, but better late than never... Friday, November 9th (tomorrow) Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. Dave K (6 years ago, 8-Nov-18, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | Re: Noch irgendwer hier?!
(...) Hallo Ben, das ist ja ein schöner Zufall: ich wollte fast zur selben Zeit mein LUGNET account reaktivieren und mal wieder schauen, ob hier etwas geht. Leider hatte ich mein Passwort nicht mehr zur Hand, sodass Rene mir erstmal helfen musste! (...) (6 years ago, 16-Oct-18, to lugnet.loc.de)
 | | Pre-Halloween Friday Dinner!
Friday October 12, 2018 6:30 p.m. Swiss Chalet on Dundas See you there. Dave K (6 years ago, 10-Oct-18, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | Real deal Social media for Lego Poland
Hello I am Polish, living in the UK, and my kids and me want to follow Lego Poland on social media. However, There seems to be plenty of unofficial accounts especially on Facebook and Instagram. Can you please let me know the official handles, links (...) (6 years ago, 5-Oct-18, to lugnet.general)
 | | Noch irgendwer hier?!
Moin Moin, hier im verlassenen Lugnet fühlt man sich ja wie der letzte Mensch auf Erden *), der durch die Ruinen der ehemals blühenden Fanbehausungen streift... Man mag ja kaum flüsternd fragen: "Hallo? Ist da noch wer?" Ich selbst bin ja irgendwie (...) (6 years ago, 2-Oct-18, to lugnet.loc.de)
 | | Well taht week got away from me--September Dinner!!!
Sandy has been reminding me constantly to post about dinner. I said that I'll get a round tuit. Well, the week went by and she asked me if I did this morning. Rats!! Anyway, here it is-- Friday, July 13th Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. (...) (6 years ago, 14-Sep-18, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | Well, dinner, well, maybe, well, tomorrow....
Late post--busy week... Friday, August 10th Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. Dave K (7 years ago, 9-Aug-18, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | July Dinner!! (Yummy!!)
Friday, July 13th Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. Yes! Friday the 13th!!! This'll be fun... Dave K (remembered to put my name this time...) (7 years ago, 11-Jul-18, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | Re: Communication with Swan firmware
I've used the RCX with standard LEGO firmware, though I'm not familiar with the Swan firmware. Having said that, this simply sounds like the old message is not getting cleared to make room for the new message. Have you tried calling the (...) (7 years ago, 18-Jun-18, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
 | | Re: June Dinner
What's really scary is when I read that posting NO WHERE does it mention who is posting. Hmm. maybe lugnet is at the cottage? (7 years ago, 8-Jun-18, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | June Dinner
Well... I'm up at a cottage so I can't be at the Swiss Chalet for dinner tomorrow. However, if you so desire, you can show up-- Usual Swiss Chalet 6:30 p.m. Friday (tomorrow) See you next month! (7 years ago, 7-Jun-18, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | May Dinner
Guess what? Dinner -- Friday, May 11th Swiss Chalet Dundas St Etobicoke 6:30 p.m. I may bring a few things for show, but we'll see. Dave K (7 years ago, 7-May-18, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)