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  Re: Striscione: : ho chiesto una opinione professionale
L'idea della bandiera in mano al minifig mi piace!. Si potrebbero anche creare veramente delle bandiere italiane da mettere in mano ai minifigs. Uno o due sparsi nel diorama. Giuliano (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to
  BrickVention-GBC Display
BrickVention will be demonstrating a Great Ball Contraption and would like you to join in the fun. All you need to do Is build one or more “Modules” and bring it/them along on Saturday the 10th of June. Be sure to register at (URL) A standard module (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics, FTX)  
  Brickvention - SUMO Competetition
BrickVention will be holding an RCX Sumo Competition ! All you need to enter, is to bring your Phat Robot along on Saturday the 10th of June. Be sure to register for BV at (URL) You will also need to bring your own power source (AA batteries) and (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics, FTX)  
  Re: My First few NXT MOCs
(...) Hi Littlehorn, You should be able to give us the direct link by clicking past the computable link to the real link, and then share that with us. Kevin (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Brickshelf Find: Bronx Bulldog by the Pale Man
(...) -Jon (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to
  Review of set 4770 - Blizzard Blaster
[LEGOSet 4770] 4770 Town / Alpha Team / Artic Blizzard Blaster Le Brise-Tempête Ages 7+, 303 Pcs. (C)2005. 39 page manual: 5 model, 117 steps (for main models). Building time about 35 minutes. Price Range: $30USD RATINGS (Scale: Must-Have Excellent (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to, FTX)
  Re: My First few NXT MOCs
(...) Hi Chris, If you've put any video in the folder, it generally takes longer to get moderated. Otherwise it may have just got missed - you can ensure it gets moderated again by editing something in the folder (eg: description, tags) or adding (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: SKAM - Anti-Personnel Combat Robot
(...) Oh don't get me started on her pants either! I can't believe she wore white after labor day. The moc is a cool lil sentry mech btw. (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to, FTX)
  Brickshelf Find: Bronx Bulldog by the Pale Man
Heads up true believers cause the Pale Man cometh! On today's menu we find a dark red and grey, two seater walker mech. It's Pale Man's first mecha so give him some dap. (URL) The rest can be found here: (URL) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to
  14 Auctions for Custom Orc minifigs and other great parts.
Hi All, I am slowly selling off my entire collection over the next few weeks. Right now I am selling several auctions that would be of intrest to the LUGNET crowd. Here is the link to all of my auctions: (URL) Keep an eye on my auctions page as I (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to

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