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  Newswatch: Fifth Legoland Park in Kansas City area in 2009
Exciting news for residents of the midwest United States! I read this in the 4/28/2006 Kansas City Star. "Joco" is the local shorthand for Johnson County KS: a very well-to-do, family oriented suburb on the western side of Kansas City,MO with (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.announce,,, lugnet.mediawatch) !! 
  Weekly Update of New AuctionBrick Listings - 4/28/06
This is weekly update of new items listed at (URL) as of Fri Apr 28, 01:59 AM PST. To bid, review details of any item listed or to register go to (URL). (2 URLs) Qwelder Mech> See Item Description for Details Minimum Bid: $999.00, Time Left: 3 Days (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to, FTX)
  Viking category in CCCIII
Hey all, Just to add some content to this new forum, Classic-Castle had a Viking category in the recent CCC3. (URL) You can see all the entries here.> The winner was Martin Jaspers' (URL) Viking Hall> (URL) Bruce (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings, FTX)  
  Is that all there is?
Hey, In the sidebar, Suz asks if the current sets will be the end of the line. No, there are at least two more sets planned, according to (URL) pics that are floating around> (2 URLs) That second one will be an awesome army builder. Bruce (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings, FTX)
  Re: Ritorno da Legoland
panzer ha scritto: (...) dimenticavo : Arianna che dopo 2 km dalla partenza, ed ogni 2 km chiedeva "quanto manca?" e poi iniziava a fare come il ciucchino di shrek ciao Cristian (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
  Re: Pictures of SMART's robot display at Crossroads
(...) ... (...) combining a Crate Contraption & a GBC. Very cool. Steve (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
  Re: Yes, but what IS it?????
(...) Alright for some. Others in this world don't have the space for real bricks Tim (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Announcing the Inaugural Meeting of The Sydney Lego Train Club
It's official, Sydney's Lego Train Club will be holding it's first meeting in Quakers Hill at 10.00am on Saturday the 6th of May. So if you live in the Sydney region and are interested in trains and wish to join the club please send me an email - (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to  
  Re: Classic 2-Wide Trains
(...) and (URL) Peer Kruger's one> and (URL) Ross Neal's one> Tim (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: Yes, but what IS it?????
(...) You tell him Eric. Jason R (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Yes, but what IS it?????
(...) Some people's minds just work at that level I suppose... I blame t'internet. Jason R (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: Yes, but what IS it?????
(...) What are you saying? There's more than one Tim??? No, I've already done one of those (URL) here>, and I'm sticking with that. Although I do prefer a simpler 6x8 and 2x8 combination for the roof now. I suppose I could update those instructions (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: Ritorno da Legoland
Manco solo io...quindi, oltre ai ringraziamenti per i bellissimi giorni trascorsi cito alcune "chicche" che mi sono venute in mentre: 36) I pantaloni "strappati" di Gaetano dopo il giro sulle montagnette russe 37) La gara sulle barchette del parco (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
  Re: Longest amount of posts to follow
(...) LOL! I' I' I' can't believe your talking like this! HAHAHAHHAHAHA I have been building, teaching, sorting, selling and loving LEGO. HAHAHAHHAHAHA you said "mofo party plan", Good idea. What is everyone building or want to build? Who has new (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
  Re: BricxCC release
(...) hi John, Me too never used templates, ... (I'm not talking about BrixCC, but about JALcc ;-) ... untill I changed the template editor into a syneditor. Now I love it !! You can EASILY store complete program snippets in the templates. see here (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
  Longest amount of posts to follow
I am trying to beat the 100 or so connections in depression poured on sophie I want to bipolarize lugnet bipolarizing is a secret power of mine shhhh be vewy quite I request 101 connections to this up lift mofo party plan in mania so know one can (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
ONLY GardenSluggers know this fact luv roc (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
  trend in VW to change news below
slugger paln meet at patterson silk mill all members must beam in using scotts new infinite transporter tweeked by roc=pevd hi railers sponsor want to their massive lay out mocs welcome if palm sized may 6-7 2006 patterson nj more info to follow if (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
please go and read fun in 24 hours it is a really good luv letter i wrote to MWPG I am romantic again pevd sophie is in need of up pression he lloked sick last seen y me someone give him the lottery of 1gagillion dollars for his art works i drove (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
  Re: Coulda sworn i posted this
(...) Yes, right. Hmmm, doesn't sound too promising. Janey "Red Brick" (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to, FTX)

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