| | Pictures of SMART's robot display at Crossroads
On Saturday SMART put on a terrific robot display at Crossroads Shopping Center! This was a combined Crate Contraption and Great Ball Contraption. There was so much going on that it was hard to take it all in! Trains zipping back and forth, ball (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.org.us.smart)
 | | Re: wooden synagogue
(...) Good question. I know that very few remain and that many of those are deteriorating. I don't know if any are protected as historical sites. Judy (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.town)
 | | Re: Biped Tricycle
(...) cool. positively inspirational use of a wide selection of unusual parts. What are the battle droid arms on the left hand connected to? re: posing - perhaps you could keep it in your fridge... (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
 | | Re: Turkish E52000 engine with TVS2000 cars
(...) Heh.. Pleasing the customers makes you busy, it seems..:-) Thanks for the updates. By the way, what about the forum? I get http 500 since the morning. Cheers, Selçuk (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Turkish E52000 engine with TVS2000 cars
--SNIP-- (...) Well... (URL) That's Dark blue and green. Will add a dark blue and sand green later so have a look in the gallery for it. Tim (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Turkish E52000 engine with TVS2000 cars
(...) In lugnet.trains, Timothy Gould wrote: (...) I've just looked at the pic again in more detail, and decided that sand green is a more suitable choice, regular green would be too bright (maybe a plus for some people since it will be more (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Turkish E52000 engine with TVS2000 cars
(...) It's true... I do love sand green ;) If I thought I could get away with it I'd do the blue in sand blue too. But... you are probably right. Depending on plate and tile availability in dark blue I'll do up a version with green and dark blue and (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
(...) Nice little Cthulhu you have there, I hadn't seen that one, I like the use of Dragon arms. One day I'll get around to a full minifig scale (about a metre high I guess) Cthulhu, but not this year! Cheers, Mark. (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
(...) You're right of course Keith the Mythos is far more about knowledge then firepower so I'll tone down the number of non-improvised weapons. For what it's worth the professor and a native guide are just out of shot on this part of the diorama (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
(...) Mark - this is way too cool. I also had missed your Cthulhu rising MOC, these are all really fabulous. Keep up the good work! (I also made a minifig-scale Chtulhu some time back if you haven't seen it before: <link (URL)) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | Re: Turkish E52000 engine with TVS2000 cars
(...) Yes, I think so. But I stopped suggesting regular green to Tim, instead of sand green, long ago. He just loves sand green to much..:-) Cheers, Selçuk (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: BAAL - Artillery Mech
The fact that you built this kickass mech under my dradis both frightens and delights me. Your mecha story is similar to mine. I just got up one day and decided to take a stab at mecha after two many years of looking at other people's work. I look (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
 | | Re: Biped Tricycle
Good to see you're still around Pat. You never cease to amaze me with your alternate uses of seed parts. Grace the lug with your prescense more often. I'd like to see that in person. F (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
 | | Re: wooden synagogue
Wow. I never knew such stuctures existed. Are the surviving ones under any kind of protection? F (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.town)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
Oh my. It seems the stars are once again aligned. What those unfortunate adventurers need right now is a rousing verse or two of the good ol' Miskatonic U fight song. Great job man. F (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
Far out man. I feel like I'm in a Gwar video. Nathan (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | New Batman Mini-Movie - Trailer Available
Remember that "LEGO Star Wars" mini movie from a while ago? Batman gets the same treatment on April 29th, with a LEGO Batman adventure airing just before Cartoon Network's Toonami programming block. And to give a little taste of what it's like, TLG (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.general, FTX)
 | | IMI Desert Eagle .50cal AE
The long-awaited follow up to my Beretta 9mm Series 92 (which became the thing I will probably be most known for after I die)... The IMI Desert Eagle .50cal. For years I've had people emailing me asking that I create one, so finally I did. It (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)
 | | Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
(...) Mark, the unspeakable horror is awesome...that's a macabre death-flower to be sure, but the minifigs seem generic. Lovecraft often had an aged professor in the mix, dottering around with any combination of the following: old book, bullseye (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
 | | Re: Turkish E52000 engine with TVS2000 cars
(...) Nice work (as usual) Tim. Whenever I get around to working in Ldraw, I'm coming to you for settings, for they are KILLER:-) One question on livery colors. It appears to me that regular LEGO green and dark blue are closer to the proto colors. (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)