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  *526890 (-20)
  Re: Turkish E52000 engine with TVS2000 cars
(...) Yes, I think so. But I stopped suggesting regular green to Tim, instead of sand green, long ago. He just loves sand green to much..:-) Cheers, Selçuk (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: BAAL - Artillery Mech
The fact that you built this kickass mech under my dradis both frightens and delights me. Your mecha story is similar to mine. I just got up one day and decided to take a stab at mecha after two many years of looking at other people's work. I look (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Biped Tricycle
Good to see you're still around Pat. You never cease to amaze me with your alternate uses of seed parts. Grace the lug with your prescense more often. I'd like to see that in person. F (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to, FTX)
  Re: wooden synagogue
Wow. I never knew such stuctures existed. Are the surviving ones under any kind of protection? F (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to
  Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
Oh my. It seems the stars are once again aligned. What those unfortunate adventurers need right now is a rousing verse or two of the good ol' Miskatonic U fight song. Great job man. F (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
  Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
Far out man. I feel like I'm in a Gwar video. Nathan (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
  New Batman Mini-Movie - Trailer Available
Remember that "LEGO Star Wars" mini movie from a while ago? Batman gets the same treatment on April 29th, with a LEGO Batman adventure airing just before Cartoon Network's Toonami programming block. And to give a little taste of what it's like, TLG (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.general, FTX)  
  IMI Desert Eagle .50cal AE
The long-awaited follow up to my Beretta 9mm Series 92 (which became the thing I will probably be most known for after I die)... The IMI Desert Eagle .50cal. For years I've had people emailing me asking that I create one, so finally I did. It (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)  
  Re: Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
(...) Mark, the unspeakable horror is awesome...that's a macabre death-flower to be sure, but the minifigs seem generic. Lovecraft often had an aged professor in the mix, dottering around with any combination of the following: old book, bullseye (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX)
  Re: Turkish E52000 engine with TVS2000 cars
(...) Nice work (as usual) Tim. Whenever I get around to working in Ldraw, I'm coming to you for settings, for they are KILLER:-) One question on livery colors. It appears to me that regular LEGO green and dark blue are closer to the proto colors. (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Cthulego sneak peak: Offspring of Shudde M'ell
Well it's roughly halfway between Legoworlds, and my Cthulego Rising diorama has attracted a fair amount of interest, (see the last page of this months 'Sci-Fi' magazine for example) so here's a sneak peak at part of this year’s diorama. (2 URLs) (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) !! 
  Re: My Train Collection
(...) Another option if you can't make it to BV yourself, is to ask another Sydney attendee if they have room to bring them down. As Teunis said, we'd be happy to run them[1] even if you aren't there. Failing that, feel free to pack them tightly and (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to
  Re: LOL
(...) Ma ha continuato a vendere anche dopo l'arresto? (URL) Cheers. Carlo LugNet #24 (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to
  Re: My Train Collection
In, John McCafferty wrote: Hi John. (...) I noticed you selling some 12V stuff on ebay and just assumed you must have been exiting the hobby. Glad to see you are still chugging. (...) Don't worry Sydney is lacking a LEGO club that (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to
  Re: New parts
(...) oops, (URL) after moderation (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.cad)
  New parts
i have completed parts (URL) rendering use, parts are unofficial and are no way complete. im sure a few people can be nitpicky before these are submitted to PT. if anyone wants to upload to the PT be my guest. i also did a dozen or so patterned (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.cad)
  Biped Tricycle
I was working on a use for the ATV body piece and came up with a pretty fun mech. Although, after I set it up to take the pictures the sun loosened all the leg joints and it wouldn't pose for me anymore. (URL) Gallery: (URL) Pat Bunn (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Need parts: Diver torso and inflatable boat see pics
(...) (URL) don't know if any of the diver torso's (I think there are 4 different patterns) have been modelled yet. Steve (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to
  Re: LEGO Name Badge Kit with 1x1 Printed Tiles
In, Thomas Garrison wrote: ... (...) Yes, they are from 4677 - and I suppose they now need some further qualification in their description !! Chris . (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to
  Re: help line follower program-RIS2
[Dang, Steve, you beat me to it. Are you *ever* off-line ;) ?] (...) The other constraint can be how sharply the line turns. If you have a bunch of 120° turns in the line, it will be more difficult to keep the robot's light sensor over the line edge (...) (19 years ago, 24-Apr-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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