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  *38439 (-10)
  Re: It's so Wizard! ???
It was the same in the movie. It was just uttered once and by Kitster not Anakin. I think thats probably a good thing. I would have hated for that phrase to have caught on. Eric (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Star Wars Only Sales
(...) Yup. A maintenance guy asked me yesterday if I had any of the new SW Lego stuff. (He previously left me a note and asked if I worked for Lego <g>) I said yes, that it was pretty cool. He said, "Yeah, I haven't had any Legos since I was a kid, (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to,
  Re: SW @ Redwood City, CA Kmart
(...) Mark forgot to point out the 15%-off SW LEGO sale going on there now. :-) -Z- -- Zonker Harris (, Onsite Network Support, currently at 1250 Charleston Rd., Mt. View, CA voice: 650.614.8403 fax: (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to
  Re: I only have on thing to say...
Hey, any chrome parts would be welcome! Scott Sanburn (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  It's so Wizard! ???
I thought the whole thing with this phrase was that it was one of Anakin's key phrases, yet in the book it was only used once and by his friend Kitster, at that. Was it used in the movie, but not in the book?? Ryan "Build or build not. There is no (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Star Wars Only Sales
(...) Boy did I. And the lady that paid $50 for 10 of them is thrilled with them, so I guess I'm happy too. Looks like the battle droids will be very popular as well. After seeing the movie, the little things even interest me a little bit. (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to,
  Re: No really - a rational discussion of people selling via eBay?
(...) Yep, I'm a classicist, but I never managed to take German (if I hadn't switched career paths right before I graduated I would have had to take it, of course) or any other modern language besides Russian. And I didn't have much choice about (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to
  Re: Ep1 peeves (includes episode 2 spoiler-maybe)
(...) Palpatine(Senator Palpatine) as in the one in TPM Ryan "Build or build not. There is no try." - Lego Master Yoda (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: The largest LEGO box is?
(...) I measure (roughly) the 6991 box to be: 25 1/4" x 18 1/2" x 4 1/4". Only one dimension larger than the 3290, and much smaller in terms of volume. (...) Indeed! John C. (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.general)
  Yet another EP1 nitpick
Ok, i found another tiny little nitpick with the movie. When Qui-Gon first visits Watto to buy parts for the ship he tries the Jedi mind trick on Watto, who laughs at his feeble attempt. Yet later on in the film Watto rolls his "chance cube" to (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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