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  *38224 (-10)
  Re: SW plots (Spoilers)
(...) True, but its not like they focus on a planet long enough in the movies to see all the seasons anyway. They are on Hoth 3-4 days? Endor 3 days? Yavin 1-2? Naboo 1 to 2 weeks? As for Tatooine, it has two suns, I can imagine the 4 seasons there: (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Train Windows service packs
(...) I have a form letter drafted up. It is still a rough draft. I put it into a word document so that people could edit it if they want. However, if everyone wrote their own letter with their own list, you might get some stupid things thrown in, (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.trains)
  BAYLUG LEGOFest Q's and Comments
Hi Zonker and everyone, Do you know Ray's email? He left before I could get a grab bag. Do you know if he has any left? I'd like to see if he has any yellow parrots left. ;-) How was dinner. etc., on Sat. evening? I think the meet was a huge (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to
  More train service packs?
I like what you offer now, and I've bought a fair number of almost all of the packs! ;-) However, I've been after LEGO train stuff for 5 years now, and I've been looking at the LEGO trains for 3 years before that. In that whole period of time, I (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.dear-lego)
  Re: New Name: Town Details Series (Was: Furniture Series)
I haven't gotten any comments, so I was wondering if people find these useful or pointless? What do you like/dislike about these posts? I have more ideas, but there is little point in posting them if nobody will use them. Jeff (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.cad.dat.models)
  Re: 2000, and beyond
(...) I'll second these kudos; I like seeing the new colors (more orange and tan stuff, please.) I like some of the new pieces, especially the hinges with detents. I also prefer lots of bricks to the prefab "Jr." pre-built chassis. -Z- (URL) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.dear-lego)
  Re: SW Lego Design Contest Rules Version 1.0
I will not judge based on the quality of the rendering. That is the only way to do it. (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Lego Dragons/Dinosaurs
(...) Hello Keith, Today I've tried to make a dragon during lunch. At the moment I'm working abroad, so I don't have LDraw and only some LEGO pieces that I picked up on a fleamarket Saturday. My terrifying dragon ended up being more a cute dinosaur (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to
  Re: 6876 Blacktron Alienator
(...) Perfect! ;) Jeff (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.cad.dat.models.sets)
  Re: Train Windows service packs
John, Light pink? I thought the song was called "Take the A-Train" not "Take the GAY Train" Silver would be nice, yes. I already have a different idea about how to solve that issue, but that is for another time. Mike (...) would (...) ton (...) (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.trains)

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