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Re: Jake's keynote
Sun, 14 Aug 2005 07:22:00 GMT
2497 times
also, an ultimate train kit... a train bulk box as it were. • Sounds great, hopefully they can tell us what is in it :)
Also there will be a contest by the end of the year and we will have a loco and
a car designed by fans that will be produced. It's not clear which of those
happens first but both are planned.
Hopefully the contest is open to australia, I would love to make and enter
a train (I think lego needs a good proper steam locomotive mabie a 4-4-0
american or something simiar)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Jake's keynote
(...) Somehow, I don't think BBB wheels will be in the parts list for LDD Trains :) and, while the representatives from the LEGO company didn't say no to loooking into track geometries, no one thought to ask about steam drivers :( Chris (19 years ago, 16-Aug-05, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Jake's keynote
(...) So what about "hobby trains"? also, an ultimate train kit... a train bulk box as it were. Also there will be a contest by the end of the year and we will have a loco and a car designed by fans that will be produced. It's not clear which of (...) (19 years ago, 13-Aug-05, to lugnet.trains)

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