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Re: Jake's keynote
Sat, 13 Aug 2005 23:23:36 GMT
2458 times
More on factory (from Mark the LF product manager)

15-60 USD pricing for models, by feb next year you can go to 400 USD. Virtual
building instructions only though. Custom set box front cover

Maybe in future it may be printable instructions.

Turnaround is going to be fast... 3-4 days at most

Upload the model to learn the price. cannot right now show the price of the
model inside LDD for legal reasons. you will have two windows open though,
recheck the price as often as you want by uploading.

It will tell you every other model in the gallery that you can build with the
bricks you choose (and you can download them if you want)

Minifigs are coming soon, but not yet ready to go...

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Jake's keynote
(...) Will this be available to the whole world (i.e. those countries served from the european fulfilment center like australia?) (19 years ago, 14-Aug-05, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Jake's keynote
(...) Hopefully they have a good selection of figs (I especially hope they have the minifigs from the current Trains line like Engineer Max :) (19 years ago, 14-Aug-05, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Jake's keynote
(...) Semi. Other people are taking notes too but this was big enough I wanted to share it... a couple more tidbits: LDD will be on the Mac soon after Lego Factory launch. In beta already. What is meant by "market your own boxes"? Is there sharing a (...) (19 years ago, 13-Aug-05, to lugnet.trains)

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